My name's Megan, and I love to both write and read stories- mainly fiction and fantasy. I also really love Poetry (which I write as well)

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ *´¨)

If you're interested in reading poetry/short stories, READ ON~~~~
  • RegistriertApril 27, 2013

Folge ich

Letzte Nachricht
retrorevival retrorevival Oct 09, 2013 08:05PM
Happy 73rd John! You are missed GREATLY!
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Geschichten von Megan
That Eventuality von retrorevival
That Eventuality
1966. Amy wonders if she'll ever find a place in a new town, and involves herself with some unlikely friends...