
          	The Abducted Ando akhirnya update lagi! Kali ini, Bab XII – Rutohei Chiida, bisa banget langsung di baca di sini!
          	Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejaknya, ya! Makasih! ❤


Heya there, gorgeous creature!!! 
          I see... So you write FANFICTIONS, huh? :D
          We have a community which consists of friendly, humble, and lovable members. I'm visiting you today/tonight because my eyes notice your hard work as a beautiful writer! :)
          And I would like to take this as my opportunity to tell you that our community is publishing a Fanfic awards. I wish you would go to participate. As I said, FANFIC AWARDS. Means, we'll award your precious treasures!!! But first, awarding a story is not that easy. The hired judges will judge the book first before giving an award.
          Don't be shy to participate, ma'am/sir. heart Your comfort is always our first priority. If someone is againts your likings, the team will take an action as soon as possible.
          We hope you would go and try! Remember, we are promoting our book to you because every inches of your work, made us felt that you should try participating to make your writing journey even better!
          Here's the link, ma'am/sir:

          No pressure, hehe.


          Bab V - Penyelidikan Awal dari The Abducted Ando udah terbit! Sebenernya harusnya kemarin, tapi aku ... bukan gak sempet, lebih kepada gak bisa menyesuaikan diri untuk nulis, jadi aja baru selesai hari ini orz doakan aja semoga aku bisa konsisten lagi buat ke depannya!
          *lalu melirik utang yang masih 3k kata*
          Ditunggu vote dan komentarnya! Makasih! <3


Malaaam (yang terlalu malam)!
          The Abducted Ando hari ini udah update lagi, lo! Bab IV - Konflik udah bisa dibaca di link ini! Jangan lupa tinggalin jejak berupa vote dan komentar!
          Makasih udah ngikutin The Abducted Ando! <3


@nawalapatra (((yang baca kehabisan napas)))