
Mentally dead.
          	Chapter 11 is back up
          	Send love and whatnot.
          	I'm going to crawl back to my research cave now.
          	So sorry I haven't gotten to reviews, I am doing my best to keep up but things have just been a lot work wise. I am doing ok don't worry but its taking all my effort to keep ontop of things as is and maintain some semblance of a healthy lifestyle. Can't risk burnout


Mentally dead.
          Chapter 11 is back up

          Send love and whatnot.
          I'm going to crawl back to my research cave now.
          So sorry I haven't gotten to reviews, I am doing my best to keep up but things have just been a lot work wise. I am doing ok don't worry but its taking all my effort to keep ontop of things as is and maintain some semblance of a healthy lifestyle. Can't risk burnout

          Chapter 10 is re-uploaded! Enjoy xxx
          I'm still grinding towards my submission for this thing but I've given myself a self imposed deadline to had it in tonight so if all goes well l'll be able to get back to a more normal routine. Thank you for everyone being patient with the reviews (or lack thereof rather). I will get to it just give me time. 
          After I submit this thing I'll probably grind out a few reviews and have time to open up my reads again for a lil but then I have another paper I'm gonna start working on. I need to come up with some sort of work/release schedule for my Wattpad stuff as I've kinda just been slotting it in when I can. I unfortunately have been cursed with the perpetual craving for structure so I'll probably figure out some sort of time scale to work on but I have other priorities rn.
          Anywaaaaysss.... I've spent enough time rambling here and need to get back to editing/researching. Just know the support I get from this platform is amazing and I really appreciate you all xxxx


Was given the green light to continue researching and have to set up a meeting with both supervisors as they think it's plausible for me to qualify for an early upgrade!!!! (If I do qualify and things go according to plan I'd be graduating much earlier than anticipated, a year or two less)
          This is the biggest academic achievement I've pulled off to date and I'm reeling. This means I'm gonna have to up my game massively but I am so looking forward to it!!!!!
          TLDR: Got great news in regards to my research and creative work and I'm in shock




          My reviewing will recommence at the end of this month. I have to submit the thing I mentioned earlier and know what direction my research is going on before I can split my focus again. 
          If I've accepted your book to be reviewed please be patient and next month expect a spam of reviews of sorts. If you're waiting on a book acceptance and you've applied before I cut off intake you'll know next month if you've been accepted, if you have then your review will be included in that batch. 
          If you have any queries regarding this process pls comment on this thread and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 


I'm opening up my Discord server again. It's been offline in the time I've been away from Wattpad due to my having to adjust to my current workload. 
          In my server you'll have access to unreleased work, have the ability to directly ask for advice and support independent from my review shop, and essentially have a direct tap into my mind. 
          I'll also be updating people about my research (My Villainy and Morality Index) and such.
          If interested in joining here is the link.
          Pls 18+ only.


There is this competition writing thing for my uni where you submit a 4k piece and if it gets selected you get published in a book that is comprised of a collection of sorts.
          I wrote out 5 separate 4k submissions because I was unable to decide on which world I wanted to focus on and then I couldn't decide which scene to focus on... I'm currently working on a 6th choice and feel like I'm losing my mind. While I'm happiest while writing, not knowing what to turn in is driving me up the wall and I genuinely can't decide what to put forth as the best representation of my work....
          Help :(
          I also have my first meeting with my primary supervisor this Friday to discuss the scope of my research. (He was on sabbatical till now so I've been working with my secondary on my thesis.) In any case, I'm gonna find out this Friday if my work is viable or if I have to scrap it and start from scratch...
          I need all the luck sent my way. If I have to start from scratch I will have a meltdown on account of how much time I've already sunk into my current project.


@reveriestuck Your Welcome! Good Luck! And doing your best is all that counts, because people have always told me, if you did not try it out, you would have never known if you'd win or not. *smiles*


@Glory_feeling2 I can only submit one thing, hence my struggle. I think I've figured it out and am currently editing  the hell out of the 6th thing I've worked on. Ty for the advice tho, much appreciated xxx


@reveriestuck Hi! Just go with your gutson what you want to submit. I did something like what you are doing in college,  a Martin Luthr King Jr. Contest. Did not win but my writing was placed in a pamphlet.  Just need to find where I placed it! *smiles*
            I used to enter work  in journals, but never got published. Bottom line doing what you love counts. My advice, out of the 6 submissions,  which one does your heart truly desire? Where did you put your hardest initiative? That should be the answer on what you can submit.But I wouldn't hand in all, cause that might show how you are too adamant to win.  Not all contests outside of Wattpad are the same. Good luck!