
          Ralsei’s fluffy cheeks were already somewhat heated up from the surprise hug , once he felt them move away he quickly gazed back up and started to push his glasses up again whilst that gentle smile soon formed upon his own lips once again .  “ I don’t know what the hug was for but I do appreciate it , kris ” he spoke in a soft tone , his emerald hues seemed to sparkle .


          blinking curiously at the other for a moment or so , seeing that somewhat was on their mind although he did not now what or how to ask exactly until he was think pulled of his thoughts by receiving a hug .  “ k-kris? ” he mumbled before eventually hugging back without question .


@copyist     ༄
          “ of course , it’s a nice thing to do ” the brunette replied as a small smile then curled his lips while gazing at the other, “ you’re right about that .. glad you understand ” he replied following the blonde and gently sitting next to him before placing them onto his lap. “ well .. we all get that way sometimes .. ”


@copyist     ༄
          “ though it’s embarrassing .. most people would think rich people .. are rude .. ” he mumbled letting an awkward laugh pass through his lips before arching a brow while he saw the other teen sit on the floor , “ hm ? ” he tilted his head curiosity . “ if you want .. you can sit on my bed.. ”


@copyist     ༄
          “ ah , it’s no problem and i have always been aware of you and your looks. ” he let out a soft chuckle stopping at the door while he gazed down at the other teen ,  “ it’s fine sir monoma , my arms don’t get tired easily ” he hummed opening the door & closing it behind them .


@copyist     ༄
          the brunette cleared his throat for a moment while he still felt the heat of his face become even more & more noticeable as he kept walking almost close to where they were going , “ sir monoma , you’re pretty cute to me .. and I guess we both have something in common , hm ? ” he laughed softly finally making it to his dorm.