blood drops to the ground as scratches and burns were shown over his chained arms while several scars were over his bare chest . lifting his head up ,, his blueish green eyes opened although his vision was blurry so it was difficult to see what was even happening . all he remembers was seeing a man && blood && then going completely unconscious . he doesn't remember what day or even year it is . is he dead ? probably not . shaking his head the scarlet speedster looked at himself seeing the blood && the scars along with the bruises . that's when he KNEW who did this to him : eobard thawne . " thawne ! " The speedster then called out in a broken voice but still was able to speak .

@reverseofhim ๖ۣ•҉ the scarlet speedsters greenish blueish eyes only showed anger and hints of fear in them . along with a little of hope . he can't lose all the hope he has in the team , not now . " they / will / find me , thawne .. and when they do they will lock you up forever . " Barry whispered lowly as he then gritted his teeth together in absolute pain from the bruises and cuts over his body . he then lowered his head from the other speedster not wanting to even LOOK at him now . barry was hurting and this was so MUCH pain . it's like he's that eleven year old boy again seeing his mother being brutally killed ..

@speedinglys # / / i love this wtf , catch me tryna match this and failing - thawne chuckled softly , shaking his head as he stepped out of the corner of the room to greet the scarlet speedster , a twisted smile on his lips . " barry . " he said , kneeling down to his height , what could only be described as an arrogant smirk flickered across his face . " i told you , you'd never win . " he said quietly , chuckling softly as he looked the other directly in the eyes , no sign of remorse or guilt showing in his eyes . " and your team won't find you here . not until i'm done with you , that is . "