
Sorry Everyone! I get so caught up in school lately! ( It was a big year) But its SUMMER (yay) I'm gonna start writing again and posting soon hopefully! Thank you anyone who reads this it means a lot!


Hey y'all I just want to tell you guys that Rewind is officially under construction, all of the chapters. There is much to be done; grammar, typos(as usual), and content editing as well. Expect Rewind's construction to be done by Saturday. Sorry for the holdup. I do it all for you guys and I want Rewind to be the absolute best. I've got a whole team set up;  aGrammar Editor,  a Context Editor, Spelling Editor and I'm in the process of looking for a beta. I really do love and appreciate all of you. MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!!
          xoxo, rewindwriter


i have a little challenge for you all you see I see all of you wonderful people reading but no one yet has commented what they like to see what they want me to fix what they like and I would really love that stuff so I know where I stand with you all