
hmm sorry that i only ever update my tww stories :/ i'm working on getting back into other fandoms but i honest to god write, like, only west wing fic :(( i'm sorry


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Fully I've been failing at writing lately, writing anything, from fanfic to a simple sentence, from Hamilton to Harry Potter, from poetry to quotes.  My brain is just... exhausted, as all fuck. I know I say this a lot, but I'm seriously trying. And when I update my TWW story more often than my Hamilton one, it's not because I'm ignoring the Hamilton fics, it's 100% because those are ALL one-shots, and my Hamilton stories have to follow an actual PLOT, for some reason. Plus, I'm writing so many different ships, it's sometimes hard to choose... it's a little crazy. But, I did get an idea for a cool Hamilton one-shot! I know it's not the same as actually updating my fucking stories, but it's more for the people who, y'know, followed this for Hamilton content which was, y'know, exactly why I made this account... anyway. It's 0253 hours, I need sleep before I have to get up at 0830 hours for Mass in the morning. *sigh* Anyway, goodnight my loves.


plz do any of you have fanfics that I just *have* to read or do I have to actually go looking for them 


@fairytalehoney06 w h e w you have a lot but I'll read them :)


@Artzee_Dorito I was FULLY expecting self promo lolol and I'll try some of them out!! (I've never read a "---- x Reader" fic but I'm always up for new things)


i am Living for this aesthetic man omg


yeah!!! it's rlly pink but like hella sophisticated overall 10/10 cute


@WhizzerMyMan THANK YOU it's way pinker than I normally make anything but it reminded me of Angelica SO