
Haaii, makasih ya kamu sudi mampir dan vote cerita aku heuheu <3


@reynaaramirez sabi dicek love call yaa itu dowoon juga ataauu kalau suka yang sedi2 bisa cekidot senandika series :""


@savagepage iyaa !! semangat terus nulisnya yaa 
            ps. aku menunggu karyamu yang lain  <333


Do you know that vampires are real? then do you know if at present the existence of three vampire princes brothers are fighting over the last descendants of their saints who are lost in the human world?
          do you know if that holy girl is you? said their fate to write that they must hunt you and one of them who wins will live happily with you.
          Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin are on a holy mission to defend their lives and fight over you!
          Let's go adventure with three vampire brothers who never give up a girl like you!

          Mampir dulu kuyy