I know I'm not here around... 4 or 5 months or longer than it but the things changed too much. I broke up with my bf... Argue with my best friend and we're not best friend anymore... I have to get ready for the exams and the stress get bigger and bigger.... But I have good things. I will write the book on English language. More British English because I know it better than American English.
Goodnight everyone! Love youu!
Balimmm selamm ❤️ Uzun zaman sonra bir kurgu yayınladım şuan sadece tanıtım bölümleri var ama bir kaç güne bölümleri atmaya başlayacağım acaba uygun olduğunda kitaba destek olur musun❤️❤️
I know I'm not here around... 4 or 5 months or longer than it but the things changed too much. I broke up with my bf... Argue with my best friend and we're not best friend anymore... I have to get ready for the exams and the stress get bigger and bigger.... But I have good things. I will write the book on English language. More British English because I know it better than American English.
Goodnight everyone! Love youu!
Paylaşacağım kurguyu bulamadım... Şimdi dedim ki aidan kurgusunda yb yazayım bari öyle atayım. Hayırlı olsun artık Aidan kurgumuz var. Doya doya okuruz artık hep beraber...