
@DaleMayer  hi and your welcome! :)


I learned something today I've always know it but I guess it was never in the front of my mind. Which is we are all human. We may be different in our skin colors the language we speak and many other things like sexuality and such. Though there is one problem with us all being human well we have frequent disputes with each other may they be personally or nationally they are all disputes. I can't seem to grasp this concept of how so many people on this earth can hate and brood and nitpick on so many things. Let's look at the returning issue of sexuality see in the American society apparently it is only appropriate to be straight you know guy and a girl that's it. But nowadays you see two guys two girls and these people who are brave enough to show their love in public are harassed and put down for being themselves for being with the person they love. Now as many of you know I'm bi in other words im attracted to guys and girls also sad to say my parent don't approve of it which also means they don't approve of me in a way.Anyway my point is why must people be judged from the outside in? Why not the inside out? Is it because our eyes can only see the shell of a person and we only talk to that person if they are attractive. To be honest I sometimes wonder what is the point of having a good personality when people only judge you by your cover why should they care what's underneath? Then I realized life is all the more interesting and worth living because in your life yes there will be those times of sorrow and loss but you have to look forward to the moments.... Your moment filled with all the other amazing emotion like love ,happiness, and belonging. Maybe not belong where you are but belonging to a person who loves you more then you could ever love yourself and they have the amazing feeling of belonging too. To me love is what keeps our world running. <3 sincerely Annie Ragdoll