
I unpublished my old book, Ichor, recently. I've been thinking about it and I actually have lots I dislike about it, so i guess i'm going to unpublish it and rewrite it. till then~


@rheawrites1864 I'm so excited for it to be rewritten. I love that book  


I unpublished my old book, Ichor, recently. I've been thinking about it and I actually have lots I dislike about it, so i guess i'm going to unpublish it and rewrite it. till then~


@rheawrites1864 I'm so excited for it to be rewritten. I love that book  


hi everyone, sorry for the long hiatus, but unfortunately i'm not back with good news:( i just started college and i'm overwhelmed with work, so i'll be taking a hiatus until my A Levels are over (end 2022). i'll come back and write a little during the holidays etc but i don't want to write a subpar story, i'd rather hold off till i can write then, thank you for your patience! 


hi everyone, i'm back☺️ and i've finished the bulk of my exams but not all so i'll hold back on updating first, but i will be going through my book Ichor in the meantime because i realised there are plot holes i need to work through but the overall plot will not be changed just some minor issues i have forgotten to address! hang in there, athena will reach the end of all this soon!


So, I spent the last week thinking, and I've decided to rewrite my book 'Ichor'. I originally mapled out this story pretty vaguely, and even planned for it to be a dilogy with a sequel, but now, I don't like the way it's turned out, so I'll be unpublishing the portions and re-writing it. Firstly, I'll change the story to be a little longer and change from first person to third person, which will make it easier and less confusing. Stay tuned!