
Lol I don’t know if y’all have noticed but I’m currently on thanksgiving break and have all the time in the world to write since I’m staying at school for the week. 
          	So hope y’all enjoy all of the updates because they are the only ones y’all will be getting until Christmas break


Lol I don’t know if y’all have noticed but I’m currently on thanksgiving break and have all the time in the world to write since I’m staying at school for the week. 
          So hope y’all enjoy all of the updates because they are the only ones y’all will be getting until Christmas break


Hey!! I see you love the story Dear Mrs. Rose. Me too but I haven’t been able to find it on wattpad. I want to reread it though. Do you know where I could find it?


I’m so sorry! I don’t know! I’ll have to remove it because I do not think it is uploaded anymore. I had it in my library so it stayed. So sorry!


I hope respond if see this and write that book from adelaides perspective or another one like that bc it was rly good


I work on it when I can. But I’m all honesty and when I say I want to it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be finished because I am a double major and have no time for anything 


Hi I’ve just recently read ur first book and I loved it ur writing is rly good it wasn’t all smut but there was some it was like the right amount and I was wondering if you will be writing more? It would be a shame if you didn’t because you have a great writing style and ideas


I understand, I deleted the old book. 
          It was not just because of the hate, but because I seriously hated the thought of that book being published. So I decided to start writing a book but the chapters are scenes that I wanted to put into the original but couldn't fit in.
          Hope you liked them and enjoy having Adelaide and Willow back into your lives!
          - rhiannon-rings <3


I reall really love your book ❤️❤️❤️ and I appreciate you


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Hey I'm Naomi, don't mind what fucked up asses people are. I really love book. It's one of my favorites. So fuck what people think, you can update whenever you feel like. Don't let people bring you down, you can't always please everyone. You have your own life outside Wattpad apart from updating books. So please don't delete this book because some people wrote some shit on the comments. Fuck what people say