
never have i ever understood “not all parents are the same” until now. ive been watching documentaries or videos about kids with tourettes and they claimed that their parents took it seriously and accepted them. my parents think i’m just faking my tics for attention. like, oh yeah, who do i want the attention of NOW it’s literally QUARANTINE???


never have i ever understood “not all parents are the same” until now. ive been watching documentaries or videos about kids with tourettes and they claimed that their parents took it seriously and accepted them. my parents think i’m just faking my tics for attention. like, oh yeah, who do i want the attention of NOW it’s literally QUARANTINE???


          I am a girl who wants a keyboard but at the same time has recently been informed about a concert wherein one of my most favorite idols are attending. My parents are (agressively) letting me choose between a keyboard or the concert. In your opinion, what should I chose?


@rhianzn I suggest a concert. Concerts are things you may never go to again and keyboard you can save up for.


Earlier, in my school bus, I had Heroes by David Bowie playing in the background. When it came to the part: Though nothing will keep us together,” I looked around me, especially at my friends. Then I noticed, Iʼm gonna lose them, and I donʼt know when or how, but Iʼm so sure I will.
          Right after that, I heard Bowie sing:
          “We could be heroes, just for one day.”
          Just for one day?
          I want to be a hero, forever. So I can save my friends and myself.
          But even if being a hero for A DAY drove Bowie to write such saddening lyrics.
          Being a hero is the least of the abilities I have and can do


Merry Christmas, ya'll. Sorry I don't update, anymore. I come over here to chat, now. Drama is surrounding me, but seeing that I am not really in danger, I ignore it. I didn't do anything bad nor start the drama therefore I'm basically the victim.
          Anyways, have a jolly good Christmas! Peace out.


this message may be offensive
          so two weeks after my “positivity change” i just got negative this week bc like im failing math and geom and im worried i havent told my mom or dad and i was just scolded for not being invested in my studies, boy if my grade doesn't get higher the electronics are just gonna fucking disappear SKSKS 


HELLO EVERYONE! I'm Riana and I'm gonna start new! I'm gonna fix myself and I'll make sure only positivity surrounds me so I myself will be positive! I know I can do this, and with the help of my friends, it'll be a bit easier! I LOVE YOU ALL, 
          Transforming Riana


My brother knows Rick and Morty and recently Iʼve found out about it as well. I actually like it, and Iʼm awaiting Season 4. Sadly I canʼt speak to even my brother about Rick and Morty because heʼd either tattletail me or tattletail me. I bet my parents know it too. My dad loves South Park, and they have the same age rating though Rick and Morty is to teen audiences. I think he knows too. Despite knowing or not, Iʼd happily and respectfully say I wouldnʼt take the risk and sadly something like a chance to ask my dad if he knows South Park. Thanks for listening.