
New chapter alert! And fyi, this book is now marked mature… for reasons that will be obvious if you read this new chapter…


I have officially submitted three novellas to round one of ONC 2025. What is wrong with me? LOL
          All three are solidly outlined, but there is no guarantee I'll actually get all three across the finish line. But I will try my best! (While also finishing up the last chapters of The Queer Rebels...) I guess we'll see if any of them qualify for round 2, but I'd also love any feedback on which story you think is strongest.
          Here is the elevator pitch:
          - Before You Knew Me: middle-aged trans guy hooks up with girl who bullied him in high school. He has mixed feelings.
          - Not That Girl: Popular cheerleader has queer awakening. Things get sexy. (set in the late 90s/early 00s)
          - Almost Forgotten: A literary exploration on why banning books is dangerous with too many high brow references to classic queer novels that should be taught in high school, but aren't. (I really sold that one, didn't I?)
          Thank you for reading my ramblings :)


I know I've been a bit MIA. As a transman living in Trump's America, my mind has  ricocheted between total obsession with the news and the need to completely isolate myself from everything. So if I've ignored any notifications of comments, or I haven't been reading as much, it's because I just don't have the mental bandwidth right now.
          That said, I love ONC. There are 4 prompts that speak to me, and I've started brainstorming four separate novellas, one of which I've now posted here. We'll see if the other ones develop into anything.
          Because I'm behind on my notifications, I probably missed it if you are also writing for ONC. If you are, I'd love to read your story and see how you've interpreted the prompts. If you see this, drop me a line and I'll check it out :)


@Voyageavecmoi You still have time. You never know when inspiration can strike. And there’s no limit on how many WIPs you can have XD


@rhymeswithfry None of the prompts spoke to me this year, and with 3 unfinished WIPs, I was kind of happy about that. But I'll be happy to cheer people on when I catch up with more of my reading :)


@Voyageavecmoi Thanks, Sarah. Are you writing anything for ONC? I always enjoy what you come up with :D


heyy, I just wanted to show some love to the Queer Rebels Wattpad really needs more Sci-Fi Romance and I'm thoroughly enjoying reading it, I can be silent at times so I'm trying to rectify that by showing some support! :)) Anne


@anneperaltanovels Apparently I don't check my notifications enough, so sorry for the late reply! But thank you so much, I really appreciate that! Glad you are enjoying the read :D


Congratulations on the Watty win, Brian! Very well-deserved and I'm looking forward to reading more this month :)


@Voyageavecmoi Hi rhyme how are you doing? 


Thank you, Sarah ❤️ 