If it wasn't already obvious, Electric Current: The Future is currently on HIATUS. I have a lot going on and don't have the time or motivation to finish it. Every time I finish a chapter, I'm disappointed, because I am just not feeling it.
I will not do any of my loyal fans the disservice of publishing unpolished and unfinished chapters. I wrote the first Electric Current during a very difficult time in my life and it helped not just me but many others. Now my problem is, where to go from now. Since I based the first heavily on my life, I don't know how to continue the series since my life is currently at a stand-still.
So, in short, I will be rediscovering myself and my writing style slowly, so I can give you guys the best sequel possible. That said, I will try to work on other unfinished works to get back into the rhythm of writing. Try not to be too disappointed when you don't see many updates on Electric Current: The Future for now.
And as always, I hope you Lovely Readers have a fantastic day!!