
If it wasn't already obvious, Electric Current: The Future is currently on HIATUS. I have a lot going on and don't have the time or motivation to finish it. Every time I finish a chapter, I'm disappointed, because I am just not feeling it.
          	I will not do any of my loyal fans the disservice of publishing unpolished and unfinished chapters. I wrote the first Electric Current during a very difficult time in my life and it helped not just me but many others. Now my problem is, where to go from now. Since I based the first heavily on my life, I don't know how to continue the series since my life is currently at a stand-still.
          	So, in short, I will be rediscovering myself and my writing style slowly, so I can give you guys the best sequel possible. That said, I will try to work on other unfinished works to get back into the rhythm of writing. Try not to be too disappointed when you don't see many updates on Electric Current: The Future for now.
          	And as always, I hope you Lovely Readers have a fantastic day!!


If it wasn't already obvious, Electric Current: The Future is currently on HIATUS. I have a lot going on and don't have the time or motivation to finish it. Every time I finish a chapter, I'm disappointed, because I am just not feeling it.
          I will not do any of my loyal fans the disservice of publishing unpolished and unfinished chapters. I wrote the first Electric Current during a very difficult time in my life and it helped not just me but many others. Now my problem is, where to go from now. Since I based the first heavily on my life, I don't know how to continue the series since my life is currently at a stand-still.
          So, in short, I will be rediscovering myself and my writing style slowly, so I can give you guys the best sequel possible. That said, I will try to work on other unfinished works to get back into the rhythm of writing. Try not to be too disappointed when you don't see many updates on Electric Current: The Future for now.
          And as always, I hope you Lovely Readers have a fantastic day!!


Okay, things have been crazy with inflation and my job, so I've been a little pre-occupied and definitely not in any mood to write anything big. I did publish and post a couple drafts from an MHA short stories book I've been working on off and on for the last couple years.
          I know it's not what ya'll want right now, but I have writer's block and it was a lot easier to write random shorts than continue the plot of my story and accidentally create a tragic mess of incorrect grammar and plot holes.
          Thank you all for your patients and I hope you like the short stories I've posted to tide you guys over. Happy Reading Lovely Readers!!


I just noticed I spelled patience wrong lol. As an author I'm disappointed XD
            Definitely a bit rusty.


So… I’m still alive and I have an update on Electric Current -The Future- . I already posted it on my alternate Instagram account @sketcheswithrhys so please go check that out if you’re interested. 
          I’m sorry for how long it’s taken. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to end but I’ve had awful writer’s block and it’s been so hectic after moving to Texas. 
          I finally made a cover (though I’m probably going to redraw both covers later) and I already have a few chapters done. I’m not going to publish anything until I’m finished or at least part way through, just because the updates have been so slow. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging even longer, but it is in the works. 
          I’ll keep you guys posted mostly on Instagram, but I’ll occasionally post here as well. Also, please check out my art and give it some love if you like it. 
          Until next time, Lovely Readers!!


@rhysand_harbinger I have been summoned, and omg I REMEMBER THE ELECTRIC CURRENT FIC, IM SO EXCITED?!?$?$?@?!? Thank you so much, author ‍♂️‍♂️


After months and months of being too busy to finish editing, I've finally got it done. I've been pushing my schedule around to make more time for my book and it's paid off. Electric Current -Not Past- is now out of it's editing stage.
          Which means...
          On to the second and final book! I've been back and forth on the title for awhile, but I finally settled on one.
          I'm working on the plot for Electric Current -The Future- as much as my busy schedule allows. Thank you guys so much for your patience and support! I love you all!


Hey, I read your Electric Current book, and I absolutely loved it! Do you have any advice on writing a similar book? I want to write a spinoff story for my best friend is writing. I want to write it myself because they don't have any experience with dysphoria so I want it to be more accurate, but I've never come out to transphobic family so I figure I should ask someone who has experienced that. Thanks! :)


@alizardnamedsherlock Personally, I would write what you believe would happen. Use your imagination. Personally, it’s different for everyone. For me, it was a lot of Christian things, homophobia/transphobia, toxicity, etc. If you aren’t sure you can write it without help, you could always read some articles or blogs of teens who came out in conservative families. 


*for a story my best friend is writing


It’s nice to see you guys so excited at the idea of a second book! I’m glad it caught your attention and because of your responses, I will eventually be writing it, though that isn’t the reason for this update. 
          I’m actually here to announce that I have entered Electric Current in the Wattys2021 under the category of Fanfiction! So wish me luck. 
          I love you all and hope you have an amazing day/night. Happy Reading my lovely readers!


@Jojobiboy Thank you lots friendo!


Good luck  


Now that I've finally finished off the first book in the Electric Current series, I'm going to do a final read and edit of all the chapters. Then, I'll take time to build the plot for the next book.
          I already have some great ideas for the second and final book, but more than that, I have an idea for two stand alones that actually focus on Denki's childhood friends' lives. Let me know what you guys think, or if I should even try to write more. Maybe you guys think Electric Current ended well and don't want to push it, so just comment below.
          I love you all and am so thankful for not only your patient and support, but also the people who have continuously checked up on me during the rough patches. I hope everyone has a fantastic day/night and Happy Reading my lovely readers!


@_KADIE_ Of course! I’m glad you’re excited and I’ll be sure to keep you up to date. 


@jadelovesfrogs I’m glad you’re excited. Hope I don’t disappoint


@ rhysand_harbinger   YAYY IM SO EXCITEDD


The final chapter of Electric Current is up! Guys, this has been so amazing, the comments, your support, everything. And just because this book is finished, doesn't mean I'm done. I'm already thinking about a book two and some other anime ships for different books.
          "Finally" takes place in their last year at UA. It is the shortest chapter I've written, but it is only meant to finish off the book with encouragements and promises of a second book.
          Please comment what you think, because you guys know I love to hear from you. I hope everyone enjoys and have a fantastic day/night and Happy Reading my lovely readers!!


AHHH! You’re very welcome! I just very much enjoy the drama and fluff (etc.) that you write so much!! :DD


@_KADIE_ Thank you so much! You and a few others have kept me publishing honestly, so most of my thanks should go to you guys. Thank you for all of your funny comments and encouragements. :) <3




The picture of Zeido is up on my new Instagram, rhysand_harbinger, right now!
          As a bonus and thank you to all of you guys, I also drew Denki, because why not. Please comment below what you think, because I love to hear from you guys.
          I hope everyone enjoys and I love you all! Happy Reading my lovely readers!! <3


@0-0Hanhan hehe thank you so much! I drew that awhile ago, so I'm prolly gonna redraw him and Yima once I get better at using the iPad and the Procreate app.


I honestly did not think that Zeido would look like that but he was adorable. 