after leaving a dozen comments on an already finished work
(*i can never stop myself from poking and prodding, lol)
I'm announcing that Mera is officially out of this saga, and onto a next journey.
She is currently in camp with fellow travelers, and they have been contracted to - observe, quietly, a processional of Ales Leo Domini, and his lead cleric, Djianna.
She has chief warlock Harlow, Jtorelle, paladin, and WREnN, a druid who formed their shadow processional, and is INSISTENT on discretion.
Mera doesn't do discretion well.
Especially not when Dji (what she takes to calling Djianne,), only has Hikari and Arammi as fighters, and a big dude named DART.
He uh, knows other words, but DART! seems to be his favourite, so uh, we honour that.
Not to mention Ebenezarr hasn't done this in a while, despite being an archwarlokk himself, the out of touch fool put fkn Jette in charge of the secruity, and Jette doesn't do anything without Blackhart, and Blackhart is a fkn pigeon.
And the ranger has introduced herself by twelve names already, by Mera's last count, but dummy doesn't realize they all start with H.
Hails, is what I call her, but god only knows what name she'll land on next hour.
I found a great resource called METIS CREATIVE
that helped me build this new foundation for a tale.
Please check them out and follow their games, the structure looks gorgeous, and if I had any money at all to me (currently in house arrest and bankruptcy, lmaooooo)
I would buy it all.
Pace yourself kid!!! but do buy something, it's worth it.
So anyway, that's the beginning - follow for the middle, I suppose, it's not yet written.