
It's been more than a year since I updated "Chistes de una Malinterpretada" (probably), and I really miss it, but I don't know if I should rewrite or simply unpublish it so I can edit it from start to finish. I'll keep thinking about it. However, I invite you all to this page: poemarioweb.wordpress.com. This link will take you to my most recent project: a poetry handbook. I spent years on edition but it finally payed off. I'm really excited about it and I really hope you all read it. In my plans, I have redesigning the book cover of "Chistes", making an anthology of kid horror stories (for adults), perhaps dive in again into "Not About Angels" and writing another poetry book. I'm excited. I really hope this summer I get to write as much as I want to. I'll keep you posted. Follow me on social media (specially twitter, where I always announce my next projects) and reread whatever you like. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
          	P.S.: I'm thinking if I should post the poetry book here too... Suggestions?


It's been more than a year since I updated "Chistes de una Malinterpretada" (probably), and I really miss it, but I don't know if I should rewrite or simply unpublish it so I can edit it from start to finish. I'll keep thinking about it. However, I invite you all to this page: poemarioweb.wordpress.com. This link will take you to my most recent project: a poetry handbook. I spent years on edition but it finally payed off. I'm really excited about it and I really hope you all read it. In my plans, I have redesigning the book cover of "Chistes", making an anthology of kid horror stories (for adults), perhaps dive in again into "Not About Angels" and writing another poetry book. I'm excited. I really hope this summer I get to write as much as I want to. I'll keep you posted. Follow me on social media (specially twitter, where I always announce my next projects) and reread whatever you like. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
          P.S.: I'm thinking if I should post the poetry book here too... Suggestions?


Ok, probably you all got crazy about me deleting the novel " Not About Angels" but I did it just because I wanted to rewrite and look for meanings of everything and change meeting and circumstances. Even though I also deleted "Breaking Glass", I just wasn't feeling it. I am trying to write things with more perspective and credibility. I won't delete "Chistes de una Malinterpretada" because I will edit it completely (perhaps I'll unpublish it so I can be more sure). For now, please be patient and wait for the better. Good things are coming. Xoxo


Hi guys! I'm baaaacccckkkk! I know I've left you down for a while now, but I promise to bring new things to the table. Perhaps I'll finish "Chistes de una Malinterpretada" after so many months, perhaps I will write a poemary. Perhaps I'll create new concepts in the novels I've already written. And new book covers too. I promise you this and more for this new year. Happy 2016!


Also, quick question: can somebody help me or recommend me with how I can make book covers for my stories here? I really wanna update them and give them some cool stuff.


Propuestas Nuevas:
          -"No Way Back": Después de escapar de su alcohólico abuelo y hospedarse en un bar, una chica es secuestrada por dos individuos quienes le garantizan la libertad si accede a hacer una serie de retos.
          -"The Forgotten": Un grupo de amigos se van a unas vacaciones familiares en Phoenix, Arizona, y luego de visiones y eventos, quedan atrapados en un desierto con una serie de retos y problemas que los enfrentarán a la realidad.
          -"Breaking Glass": Luego de experimentar una serie de cosas en un campamento hace dos años, un chico comienza a tener problemas familiares y sus inseguridades crecen más que nunca, cuando decide liberarse.
          -Estoy pensando en escribir una segunda parte para "Chistes de una Malinterpretada". Dejenme saber que creen de todo esto.


Hubo un pequeño problema. Mientras pasaba el nuevo capítulo, quise ver los otros capítulos y me di cuenta que el capitulo 3 no está completo. Lo había pasado, pero, parece que se borró. Estoy alarmado, asi que, les pediré que lo lean nuevamente, cuando termine de pasarlo. Gracias y disculpen la molestia.