
Hi semua, saya nak tanya a question. 
          	What does it feels when you fall in love with someone or to someone? How does it feel to be in love with that certain someone? 
          	Let me know in the comments! 


@riceandbooks tak tahu nak describe. Rasa terapung... melayang2... sebabkan tersengih2 sepanjang hari... buat apa pun best saja... rasa nak lalu ulang-alik depan rumah si dia (nampak bumbung rumah pun jadi la...)...


Hi semua, saya nak tanya a question. 
          What does it feels when you fall in love with someone or to someone? How does it feel to be in love with that certain someone? 
          Let me know in the comments! 


@riceandbooks tak tahu nak describe. Rasa terapung... melayang2... sebabkan tersengih2 sepanjang hari... buat apa pun best saja... rasa nak lalu ulang-alik depan rumah si dia (nampak bumbung rumah pun jadi la...)...


Hai semua, assalamualaikum  
          It’s been a while since the last novel (story) I have published here, kan? The last one was Nurin | 2 and then, I kept on struggling to publish other stories yang saya dah siapkan. 
          Actually, I felt a bit anxious to publish my stories here (not bcs of you guys anticipating the story) but it is fully bcs of my own thoughts. Takut tak mencapai yours expectation even though it is not true. 
          I came here today, with a grateful heart, wanting to say thank you. Thank you for reading my published stories, for giving me comments and feedbacks. Thank you for also following this “hidup-tak hidup” account 
          Thank you so much!! After almost three years, now I have 500 followers. Allahuakbar, you guys are the best! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          Dont worry, I am not planning on leaving this precious account hanging by itself. Insya Allah, when the right time comes, I will publish new story for you guys to read ☺️
          Stay safe wherever you are, thank you everyone! 
          xx, AR 


@mandugif waalaikumussalam, akak. I also wanna take this opportunity to thank you. Buku akak semua serius best. Thank you for writing those amazing stories. Masa saya langsung tak sia-sia hahah. Saya ni jenis yg picky readers but your books really got me hook just with its first page. Your stories really have their special place in my heart. Saya sedih bila akak unpub buku Luna tu "/ but I will wait till you republish. Fighting Kak Aisyah! As soon as exam saya habis, saya binge balik stories akak ❤️❤️❤️ akak stay healthy and attractive <3<3


Hey sis! Saya baru je hbis baca Nurin 1 and Nurin 2 . And wow!, seriously I never thought that you will create such a wonderful stories . Nurin... It's really full of suspens, emotions and benda yg sya sebagai reader tak bole expect. I'm really glad to read your stories and I hope you'll continue make a beautiful stories in the future. Lots of love,❤️.


Hai, auwwww thank you for your lovely comment! Terima kasih juga sbb sudi luangkan masa dan baca cerita-cerita saya ❤ @_itsnaura_