
Omg, sorry for the wait! BUT GUESS WHAT! It's summer! I'm going to start my writing! And I'm excited to start being more active on here! Excited for this summer of writing!


Omg Guys, I totally forgot, I know I have been horrible and not have been active for like half a year, and I need to do that, who newSchool and sports were so busy and hectic, plus writing and making a good story line, anyways Schools almost out again! It's been like a year and a half on Wattpad thanks guys for supporting me! I promise to actually start updating! 


Okay, who ever is reading my book the last one I just updated about the details of why I haven't been active on Wattpad and I also included how to enter the contest to become a character hope you guys go check it out, love you all!  


Okay, guys, I know you probably hate me because I have not updated anything for like the past 2 months, and I'm sorry, I was working on all these book ideas that got into my brain and all these fan fictions that I think you guys would enjoy, that I didn't update anything, so I will try my hardest this week to update my most read book, and I have like 2 new maze runner books ready to start writing, the first one is Maze B, the untold story, and then After The death cure( haven't wrote a title for it yet)
          And I'm having one Called Being SpiderMan, it's when Peter Parker is married to Mary Jane and they have a kid named Zachery Parker and yeah I'll post the deets for that later, so I will try to update soon, pls don't hate me! love you guys!!!


Okay so, I have may not be able to be on Wattpad in a while because, I have an iPhone 4 and that means I have an iOS 7 and I need IOS 9 to continue after September So I have to wait till I get a new phone which will probably be in the Near future hopefully! So I will try to Update my stories before September ends! Hopefully I'll see yah soon!