@archertypes I agree with you. My comment at least from my intentions was not ment to be negative or agrassive but simply a statement. I have traveld alot and I have seen alot and perhaps the experiences of one person can't compare to a thousand, I don't think it is at all limited or skewed. I don't think that gays whether they meet some, all, or none of the stereotypes aren't real people with unique personalities and/or views. True stereotypes can't be exacted and applied to EVERY single person of a category. But I do believe correctly that stereotypes don't exist because one or two people poses them. They exist because thousands upon thousands have proven to act, say, or live in that way. Sure you can't accurately say the word "majority" nor can you say "minority". The only thing you can say is some not all. And in my experience certain gay males behave in a telling way. They might not depict every stereotype but there are some that they do. Then again I'm sure that there are countless of gay men who don't fall under any sort of stereotype, after all, I haven't met every single gay man. I'm just saying so far I have never once been wrong.