
Pov: you spent 5 hours completing half of your short memoir for creative writing class and you're just now starting to question whether or not it's too personal to share... smh...


Why does high-school have to be so shitty. These people act like I'm already supposed to know what to do with myself, like what? I took one economics class bro I am not an adult. This is why children should be taught LIFE skills early on in school. You can't expect us to just all of a sudden know how to be an adult. 


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My dad, who is in jail, just told me over the phone the he hasn't been outside in OVER A YEAR. What the fuck is our justice system? Addicts who need help are thrown into jail for years, their lives destroyed, and yet pedophiles get out in like 2 months. Fuck that. A person struggling with addiction gets caught, put in jail, and their record is fucked forever. They can't get jobs once they get out and they're basically just kicked to the curb by our government. Of fucking course they are going to turn back to drugs. I'm sorry for the vent and all the cursing but I am just so mad right now. My father does not deserve this. He's a kind man who loves his kids and just wants to have a chance to redeem himself. He started doing drugs in like middle school because  he was abused and hurt by the people he loved most. My dad has been nothing but a loving father. Its just not fair. And he's not even the only person who has to go through this. Fuck the system. Fuck the police. And especially fuck the government.


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And the patrol when they get out (if they ever do get out). There’s random ass check-ins. Apparently, you have to be home (if  you do have a place to stay) at a certain time, which can stop them from getting a job. That just makes it even harder to get a job, because now their record is fucked over. Addicts need help. Jail and prison isn’t help. Patrol officers isn’t help. This makes me mad. 


@Chaotic_Pickle thank you. I just really hope something will change so that people who never hurt anyone are treated like human beings.


@_kiss_my_axe_ I'm actually shocked. I'm so sorry he has to go through that. Right now, in my English class, we're discussing these types of topics and it crushes me to hear it.


I just finished Bojack Horseman and I have no words. How does a comedy go from just keeping me entertained to making me question my entire existence? Its almost painful knowing its over. But I'm glad I watched it. It really was nice while it lasted.


My grandpa asked me to play him something on the piano but I get nervous when people watch me. It was horrible. I was so embarrassed. I hope he doesn't think I always play so bad.


@_kiss_my_axe_ I just practise my grandparents will never judge my piano skills and there strict and mean usually 


My dog is currently having pups and I'm home alone :) well not technically home alone, my cousin is here, but she is sleeping and won't wake up to help me. I am terrified.


@_kiss_my_axe_ || I had to help deliver my dog's puppies several years ago. She was struggling. But I hope it goes well!


@willowloves thanks XD you're right. Its literally so gross but she's doing it basically by herself 


@_kiss_my_axe_ || it'll be alright. Dogs know how to do it themselves. Just make sure you have plenty of towels and water. It's gonna get messy. 


Hey guys! I'm getting a kitten but I don't know what to name him. So far I'm deciding between Bones, Mordecai, Wybie, and Murdoc. So I was wondering which name you guys think is the best lol. Or if you maybe have any name suggestions. The kitten is grey and looks kinda like a Leopard.