
          Salam kenal ya...
          Aku ARIFA
          Baca cerita aku ya..
          Judulnya Solo
          Kamu pasti suka deh 
          Klik aja disini 

          Tolong kasih vote, komen dan jangan lupa follow akun aku ya...
          Sampai jumpa di ceritaku 
          Semoga kamu sehat selalu aaamin....
          Bye bye.....
          Kalo kamu mau cari cerita aku yang lain, kamu bisa cari aja di profil aku, disana udah banyak cerita yang Tamat.
          Jangan lupa follow ya..
          Iya follow...
          Follow ya...
          Jangan lupa ya...
          Follow aku ya....
          Jangan lupa 
          Sebelumnya makasih


Hi @AriNafiyahAN ,if you are interested in stories that are steamy, twisted, romantic, and slightly erotic. 
          Kindly read my story:  ( Writer: @ZheVloet )
          This is dark romance story. It’s not a rainbow and ponies; it’s misery and darkness that blooms into love. Featuring controlling freaks male character and innocent female character. 
          I’d really appreciate your visit to my story especially your thoughts and votes.
          Thank you.