
/ wow i haven't been on here since 2019 -


          	            im -
          	  i remember this oop


oh my ! aren’t you a cute think ha ! * the woman laughed , smiling brightly * uh my apologies , that was unladylike . im angelina and i was just lookin for the tent where the show starts ? im coming with my nephew . * she quickly explained a smirk still resting on red painted lips


@redsaristocrat ⨾⨾
            a  little  lad  he  is.  *  he  laughs  softly  at  his  own  joke,  hand  motioning  to  the  biggest  tent  *  follow  me  my  lady.  and  thirteen, aye?  that's  a  big  step.


@ringIeader ||.    nO u
            * a nod was all that changed the woman’s expression but a small smile graced painted* ah thank you for your apologies . he’s turning thirteen tonight actually ! * that’s when a smiled spread back widely again on her face.* but yes i do hope he can enjoy it 


@redsaristocrat ⨾⨾  no!!  yours  is  on  point.
            *  the  male  felt  a  small  chuckle  rip  from  his  lips  at  the  first  comment,  expression  changing  rather  quickly  *  oh,  that's  quite  unfortunate.  i  give  ye  my  sincerest  apologies,  miss.  i  really  hope  he  enjoys  the  show,  we've  worked  very  hard,  ye  see.  *  he  smiles  gently,  running  a  hand  through  his  orange  locks  *  quite  a  'ough  job  we  have,  but  it's  all  worth  it.  say,  how  old  is  ye'r  nephew,  if  ye  don't  mind  me. askin'.