wtf Zayn? what the fckingfuckyoumotherfckingfcker Zayn?
I fcking love the fictional Zayn more than the real one 'cause the real one makes me fcking sad. (╯︵╰,)
wtf Zayn? what the fckingfuckyoumotherfckingfcker Zayn?
I fcking love the fictional Zayn more than the real one 'cause the real one makes me fcking sad. (╯︵╰,)
I didn't know I already have almost 500+ stories on my library. But he if you know any lovely *whispers* smut stories out there involving the pretty Zayn please do share it to me. Oh, even if it's not *whisper* smut it's alright. ͼᴼᵜᴼͽ