
Comedy of errors :
          	A man checked into a hotel. There was  a computer in his room, so he decided to send a mail to his wife.  He accidentally typed d wrong email address, and without realizing he sent the mail to a widow who has just returned from her husband's funeral. The widow decided to check her mail, expecting condolence messages from relatives and friends. After reading d first message she fainted. The son rushed into d room, found his mother on the floor and saw d computer screen which read: 
          	'To my loving wife, i knw u are surprised to hear from me, they hv computers here and we are allowed to send mails to loved ones. I 've just been checked in. How are u and d kids, d place is realy nice but am lonely here. I hv made necessary arrangement 4 ur arrival 2morrow. Expecting u darling. I can't wait to see u.


Hey is that on your profile picture Max and Cloe from Lif Is Strange? 


@HyunA4Minutes  Omg are you serious I didn't even know that their was going to be a 3rd game but wait what's the second game? I don't remember.


@GrayzaFan Well mine is Chloe! Shes kinda remind me of my sister. Really. Their attitude is exactly the same! I heard that Dontnod will make their 3rd game. The title is 'Vampyr'.  Will come out in 2017 in Paris.


@HyunA4Minutes really I love life is strange and my favorite character is Max :):)


Thanks. For. Following. ♥♥♥♥


@HyunA4Minutes Its no big deal. I really just wanted you make friends.


@GrayZaDieHardFG and thnx 4 following me back. I really appreciate it.