what does everyone think about Naomi admitting to attacking Jade? I personally don't think it was just Naomi who did it & that person needs to be called out & treated the same way that Jade is treating Naomi, in my personal opinion but maybe that's just me

@inlovewithmoonpie_3 I still haven't seen the match bc if I don't watch it, it didn't happened, right? (I'm staying in my delulu world where rhea is champion as I Damien & they both have each other & other friends too *cries*

@inlovewithmoonpie_3 yesss, I cried when I saw her say friend ain't real, like no baby *sobs* no literally, & also it's okay, you didn't spoil it. i unfortunately saw it on tiktok like an hour after the match, I saw iyo won from a mutual's tt story & then SD spoiled it further earlier when they showed the match, I was heated when I saw it was bc of Bianca

@ripleysversion_ Period!! The reaction Rhea had broke my heart *cries* she better win! Also, I’m sorry I spoiled you about the match, I didn’t know you hadn’t watched it until I saw your message about not seeing it yet. I quickly deleted my other message about it but I don’t think it did it any justice considering Wattpad doesn’t delete the notifications :/