
Hey guys been awhile 
          	So some time ago someone asked me to read a book called fires and desires so i decided to... all I've got to say is OMG!!!!!!, it's a totally awesome story
          	Big shoutout to the writer enjoyed every bit of it and can't wait for updates


Hi guys❤, so from today I'll be posting dope/interesting books I've read with under 500 reads, i think this is a good way to support our fellow writters and appreciate their work 
          So far I've read over 11 books with under 400 reads on wattpad since i opened this new account, here are the 3 i mostly enjoyed and feel like you guys will like too if the books were given a chance 
          1• Delilah's reign with 7 chapters and 303 reads  by @Zendaya2254 i found this story interesting because of the none cliche scenes and the writer's ability to make you feel like you were living the story  WRITING STILL IN PROGRESS
          2• Titi Iku: until death (sequel to irikuri) with 6 chapters and 304 reads by @maliuzuri... 
          i just have to say this story is lovely i read irikuri and it was lovely the female lead was impeccable and the story extremely unique 
          3• Dianna Heart with 11 chapters and 312 reads by @kabby19, i love the sweet and settle cliche-ness off the story with the little details that just makes the story more facinating 
          These are the 3 picks for today 
          If you have a book you think i should lookbat or add in my next list please leave a comment but it'd be better if you inbox me instead 
          I hope this goes well, thank you ❤


@Christ_ine3 i will rn... thanks 


@risaril134 hey, have you read Fires and Desires? Check it out, you'll love it. It's ongoing at the moment but it's amazing. Have a great day. 


Hello there (=
          I hope this message finds you safe and well ♥️
          Would kindly take the time to check out my sister’s book?
          Vote and comment your thoughts too please
          It would mean the world (=
          Thanks in advance ♥️


Thank you so much ♥️
            I really hope you enjoy reading it (=