Ćao. Želela sam te zamoliti da ako želiš baciš pogled na moju novu priču "Slaba tačka", ili/i zbirku pesama(ako si više za poeziju) "Efekat besmisla". Unapred ti puno hvala. :D Jako bi mi značio iskreni komentar
» Look at you. You're young. And you're scared. Why are you scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop carring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a drive in midnight and forget that you have school next day. Stop living for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want? «
⁃ Louise Flory