
@foreverHis_ hahaha that is funny. Mason said he loved knowing someone with his name so he can say "hey Mason." But I think it's weird. UNLESS whoever had my name was my best friend, like those Abby's. :) 


I love your profile Picture! sorry I couldn't help it :P but he's so awsome!


@AheadofMyDoom  Thanks! Haha. No harm in some internet stalking. I do it all the time ;D


@SavedByHim well thanks! YEEESSSS he is.
            (also I did a bit of, ahem, stalking, I guess you could say, and you live in Ireland?! Whaaat that is so cool! I've always wanted to go there)


And also, I was going to do this like a week ago but I have kept putting it off because I've been busy and sometimes I'm just lazy :/ so sorry. 
          Anyways, though, today was the day to send it to you. I knew it was the perfect day ^.^
          Random sidenote: my fanily goes to this nursing home are Sundays and today for some odd reason like five different women asked me if I had a boyfriend and I was like "No! And I d not want one!" To each one of them. With one I kinda got too direct and said it with an attitude and all of them just laughed so hard o.o
          Kay. Now this is five messages long O.O
          Stay fabulous! We put the "US" in fabuloUS ;) 


@foreverHis_ I know. ._. Aww, thank you. Nooo, I love listening to you. (well I mean, no, cause you're sad but like...you know what I mean :P) 
            haha, you certainly do. Wear that label with pride, hon. ;P
            I could never ever bring myself to give up on you. BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO SPECIAL, RACHEL. And thanks for not giving up on ME. I know I was kinda dumb (A LOT DUMB) but you stuck with me and now I'm proud to call you my very best friend. ^.^ 


@AheadofMyDoom Ah, I hate those days. Im glad you liked it. ^.^ Im just trying to show how much you mean to me because words could never justify it but I have to try because you deserve to know. Especially after listening to my stupidest rants and me crying at night over the dumbest things. 
            Yes -.- 
            Hehe c;
            YES you do ;D no no i put the HOT in psycHOTic ;)
            Awwww youre the sweetest and again, thanks for never giving up on me and just being there for me and reminding me that I am strong no matter what because I just don't know what i would do without having someone like you there to always talk to NO MATTER WHAT. Thank you for all of it and believing in me all the time.
            love you so so so much and beyond google and infinity. <3


haha, you were right. Today was a good day to send it to me. I was feeling a little bleh about nothing, but that was a nice surprise. ^.^
            hahaha. Isn't it weird how people will just ask you those questions though? (well it's never actually happened to me, but I've heard stories) 
            five is a goooooddd number. ;)
            Heck yeah we do. And I put the ME in awesoME. HAHA. No just kidding. I put the ME in laME and you put the U in rachelUareamazingIloveyou


And sorry for making this THREE messages long o.o
          On the app you don't know when you're going over the limit so I just keep typing until I get everything out that I want to say. Heh heh. 
          How can they make the character limit 2000, though? That's so small! :O
          Guess how many characters I had? 5003 ;)
          I had to go through safari and try to split them all up so I could post them all haha. I tried to section them off. Past, Present, Future/Ending ^.^
          So, yeah. I should probably go now because I'm going to go over the character limit again O.o
          I love you so so so much! ^.^ <3 xxx


But, yeah. This was a bunch of rambling. Trying to put how much I love and how thankful i am for you you into words but it just cannot be done.... Ever. 
          But I hope it helps you realize it a little because you deserve to know how special you are and how much you mean to me. 
          And also thank you for being there this whole past month. You were the one person to keep me sane in the craziness I've been going through from my home problems to my friend problems to my heartbreak problems to my personal problems. Just thank you for listening to my long rants and replying with the most encouraging words ever. 
          And most importantly, thank you for being you. You are perfect the way you are. Never change, okay? 
          You have no idea how much you mean to me and I could never thank you enough. You are just so amazing and awesome and wonderful it's impossible to write out all the great things about you but I hope this gives you an idea. 
          Thank you for never giving up on me.  Thank you for always being there and having faith in me and supporting me all the way. 
          I love you so so so much. I love you beyond google, rambling buddy. ^.^
          *hugs tightly*
          Love you, Jenna-Wenna/Fluffeberry^.^
          Stay beautiful. <3 xxx


Okay. So now lets go to present day. I mean, you've always been there for me. You always know just what to say. And even when my world seems to be falling apart and I am crying so hard, you can still make me laugh and make it feel like all of it will be okay. 
          You are the one person I fully trust and you have no idea how thankful I am to have you because last year I had these friends who were my "best friends" yet they went behind my back and just did these terrible things and when I asked one of them if we were close or something like that she said yeah we were but she was closer with her other friend :/ 
          And it is so hard to trust in this world. Trust is so precious. And I know I can trust you with everything. 
          You seem to be the one who understands even though you may not have been through my problems. You always know what just to say and you always make me feel better. 
          You always listen to my rants and I thank you so much for that. It's so great to know you have someone you can rant to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about, no matter how dramatic it may seem or how small or big, and know they won't judge you, that they will listen and try to help and support you. 
          I love you so much. And I know a lot of people say this a lot, but I seriously do not know what I would do without you. I probably would be drowning haha so dramatic. But seriously. Everyone needs that one person that they know will always be by their side and support them and give them the best advice possible and be 100% honest with them no matter how hard it may be sometimes. 
          And I am so glad to have you. 
          Just think if I never would have went on that thread D: 
          I don't even want to think about it. It makes me want to cry ._.
          I was checking my email today and OHMIGOSH we send so many texts. I don't think I've ever sent more to anyone than I have you. ^.^


Okay, so I know we're talking through pm and on your message board and my board AND snapchat but were just totally cool like that :D 
          So I have come to say something for you because we're like a cute little couple leaving sweet messages for each other c:
          Where to start? Where shall I start? 
          Should I start by saying you're one of my bestest friends ever? 
          I don't remember what thread we exactly met on but I remember talking to you about everything I've been through and you were just so accepting of me and so sweet ^.^ and then I remember talking about your profile picture and about the sunsets where you live xD 
          And then we didn't talk for like a month :( and honestly I wanted to message you but I didn't want to be annoying and I kinda forgot what your username was Ahahahaha. But then I guess God brought us back together on that Life as We Knew It thread :3 I love God. 
          Like it says on my profile, God doesn't give us the people we want; He gives us the people we need. The people to hurt us, to love us, and to help us to become the person we need to be. 
          And I know God gave me you to help me and be one of the bestest Christian friends I have ever had. 
          And I don't even know when we started talking on a regular basis but I do think it started about him ;) and then I always hopped back and forth with guys until I steadily talked about Jesse for like three months xD but okay! So you remember that one boy I told you I like "who had a nice face"? Well he's dating this one girl who is like two years younger than us and she has basically date everyone in our youth group and I'm like "Why are you going for younger girls? Are we not good enough for you?" o.e 
          Anyways, though, I remember the days when I would get home from school and always look at your long messages. I would go straight to my room and read them first ^.^ 
          You always know how to make me laugh ;)


@foreverHis_ don't even worry about it.
            Aww. I feel the exact same way. Like sometimes I'll lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling and think about what it would be like without you and I just get sadder and sadder, because I would have literally NO ONE to talk to. I would scream really loud, and then use my awesome hearing to listen for your breaths and then HUNT YOU DOWN. *slams fist in palm*
            haha, me too. ;)
            I know. It's always so nice and calming to sit down and read a huge long message and then type one out. :) I KNOW. Like I'll type out this huge huge thing about something I've been deep thinking about for like a week and they'll be like "True, true :P" and I'm like "really. reALLY. I TYPED ALL THAT OUT AND THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAYILHBFNLW  HFSBJ:"
            Haha, I know. Haha, I would probably laugh at myself too. :P
            Aw, really? Cause I feel like people will be like "Help, help *cry cry cry* sadness sadness, anger, regret, regret." and then I'm like "._. Eat some...ice cream...that'll probably fix it right up. Maybe punch a hole through your wall or something idk." But seriously, you're always there for me with something nice or encouraging or helpful to say, and a virtual hug. Like seriously thank you so much.
            Me too!! I JUST REALIZED. It's probably cause we both actually TRIED to keep up the conversation. You know? haha YEEESSSS.
            Aw. I bet in five years you'll be sick of me ;) but I will always love you forever and ever so mwahaha you're STUCK with me!! :D :D AND I WILL GIVE YOU A BACKPACK LIKE FOR REAL I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT SERIOUSLY. I will bring a dozen doughnuts for us to share and they will say "Rachel and Jenna, united at last. " :D :D


@AheadofMyDoom I am so sorry my reply to this is so late D:
            I feel the same so much... I dont think there would ever come a day wouldn't I need you because you are so supporting and encouraging and if we ever did lose contact I would cry myself out until all you  heard was uneven breaths. Hahah
            Haha well, I'm glad you opened up to me about it ;)
            Me too! You are seriously like my only friend that I send super long messages to but that makes it super extra special ^.^ But, see, like, whenever I try to send long messages to other friends they will always reply with a short one and only answer half of it -.- But you reply to every part! ^.^
            Ohmigosh! I would never do that. I trust you with everything and i would never laugh at you rudely, well, if it's about him i may ;) But you mean so much to me you dont even know c:
            Words of wisdom. Haha. No. I pray to God for my advice and I'm glad I can give some good ones :) But, seriously, yours is good too. A lot of times its exactly what i need to hear. 
            I know! Its so weird how we can so close so fast but I love it! ^.^ And even if we were to lose contact on here we always have email and facebook and especially... SNAPCHAT ;D
            Haha, i have laughed so hard ^.^ Im glad they made you smile and hopefully those are tears of joy ;) 
            *hugs back tightly*
            Awww thanks love c:
            And thank you, too. I could never ever get sick of you because youre just so amazing and I can't explain it but someday I will hug you and give you a doughnut to express how glad I am that were friends! ^.^


imagine. Thanks for never getting sick of me, or ignoring me, or being mean to me. Thanks for being my best friend, and my greatest encourager, and my rambling buddy. ;) Love you to infinity and beyond google. <3
            *hugs tightly back*
            haha no worries. I like long messages. ^.^ They make me feel special. BUT I KNOW! Like sometimes I'll be ranting and then I try to send and I'm like 2,000 characters over. ._.
            Love ya ^.^


@AheadofMyDoom So sorry for not replying to this one haha. 
          But yes! Until I got to high school last year there was NO ONE named Rachel then I go there and there are like three other girls with my name and I'm like go away -.- wouldn't it be terrible if one Rachel wa popular and the other Rachel, like me, was disliked by everyone o.o 
          But I know these girls who are both named Abby and are best friends xD but it's funny because one is dirty blonde and the other is completely black hair and the one with the black is all girly and pageants and the other is more sporty haha
          (I know ;) )