*link for my new book!
I still remember years before, I published my first story in Wattpad, "Dying Inside: Depression" and it kinda worked out well for me. 1.87k reads and starting from countless appreciations to complaints like "I feel more depressed now" almost made me feel the wind of success that I was being able to put my thoughts well in order but then again, I realised that if I have the opportunity to have an impact on someone's life, why not a positive one? This life's a short, really short time and honestly wasting your life in depression isn't the right way there. There's much to know, realise and live for. So I unpublished it right away. And so here I come again, with a new intention, here to help you dream and hope of a new life, a better one, a peaceful one with no regrets! Also I'm hoping to extend my communication by publishing my stories in my WordPress blog as well. My first part of my new journey is up in Wattpad, I hope you'll learn to hope from it, aspire for a better you.