
hey guys, i've been working really hard for school, and studying for test. summer is coming up so i'll be writing more and making new stories. thanks for sticking with me, if you're still here. 


Could you give credit to the creator of the book cover from ‘Everything You Never Had?’ Some people work really hard for their work to be original.


I said, “book cover” nothing about the title nor the story. 


@amvnis first of all, there's like 5 other books on here that have the title, second, my story is completely different from the original and third, i didn't even know there was an original that had that title. i'll keep look out next time. sorry.


so i have a theory for the next episode. obviously i know about the barchie flashback but when i watched promo, archie and betty look drugged or in the wrong state to be where they were. i'm not gonna lie, it was cue, but betty's face didn't look right and archie looked like he was out of it. but other than that i'm more than excited to see how barchie goes.


after watching 4x17 this week, i really got into barchie even more. i really hope this story is somewhat sucessful like my other one was. thanks again for everyone that has been sticking with me through this crazy quarantine, and me making random stories. i will continue to write the beronica story and the other barchie story i have, that has not to mention 1k reads. i'm so thankful for each and everyone of you. https://www.wattpad.com/story/220624447