
Hey, cuties!
          	Just a quick update— 
          	Aishu and I have decided to change the names of the MMC and FMC in EOS for certain reasons. We've already updated the chapters that were previously uploaded. We hope you understand our decision and continue to support our book with the same love and enthusiasm!
          	With love,
          	अनुष्णा :)


Hey, cuties!
          Just a quick update— 
          Aishu and I have decided to change the names of the MMC and FMC in EOS for certain reasons. We've already updated the chapters that were previously uploaded. We hope you understand our decision and continue to support our book with the same love and enthusiasm!
          With love,
          अनुष्णा :)


Dear our wonderful readers,
          We know we’ve been away for far too long, and for that, we owe you both an apology and our deepest gratitude. Life pulled us in directions we hadn’t foreseen, and in the midst of it all, time slipped away faster than we could grasp. But through every moment of our absence, our thoughts never strayed far from our stories or from you guys, the incredible readers who have supported us with unwavering patience and kindness.
          We cannot thank you enough for sticking around, for believing in us even when we were silent. We truly regret making all the genuine readers wait this long.
          But the good news is, Me, Anu is back! (Aish has her boards) And I will be returning with renewed passion, fresh ideas, and exciting content that we can’t wait to share with you. The journey is far from over—there’s so much more to come!
          I'll soon be back with great content and updates for you all! Just a lil more wait ❤️
          With love and endless appreciation,


Sorry for posting this here but..  I will surely support you on your writing journey..
          So wanna give hands.


@__incubation__  can you please send me your instagram id


@__incubation__  that's so sweet of you, thank you so much! 