Hey guys. This is the month of June but it is often known as LGBTQ month ️. Now a little knowledge for you guys cause why not. This month is to celebrate LGBTQ history and how far we have come. Yes it is still hard for people since there are always someone who questions why isn’t there a straight pride month. And I quote
“Never has a person lost their job for being white or straight in North America, or been denied an apartment for being white and straight, or been leered at or attacked by strangers for simply holding hands with their significant others.” (This is from the USA TODAY)
What is sad that people believe that it’s a choice. Even my psychology teacher said it was a choice once and I wanted to correct her on it. How you are born is the way you are and don’t let anyone tell you other wise. It’s your life no one else’s. I hope everyone has a happy Pride month ️. Peace out.
~Brooke #LQBTG Pride month ️.