
Second message, if anybody is wondering
          	Yes i am a filipino
          	Yes i speak english here
          	Yes i dont have filipino followers 
          	But will you guys still support my dream? 
          	i am curious, so leave a comment.
          	andd if any of you is wondering..
          	i like alr, sxf, bleach, haikyuu, naruto, and more animes i cant somewhat remember.
          	Remember, i take requests, so dont be shy to ask me what to make.


Second message, if anybody is wondering
          Yes i am a filipino
          Yes i speak english here
          Yes i dont have filipino followers 
          But will you guys still support my dream? 
          i am curious, so leave a comment.
          andd if any of you is wondering..
          i like alr, sxf, bleach, haikyuu, naruto, and more animes i cant somewhat remember.
          Remember, i take requests, so dont be shy to ask me what to make.


guys i have news, this is my first message andd i will be deleting all of my thangyu stories except secret sweethearts. i know all of you might be shocked by this news, But for now i will be deleting them, and focusing more on Filipino, Lgbtq+ stories because i have realized, not all of the filipino stories are popular, and i want to get my country recognized. You can follow me on tiktok which is my name is rizyqt, and i might be changing my name and etc. For now you can read Akin Ka Na lang on my page, chapter 1 is soon released, so stay tuned. Im Very very sorry to let you know. another message will be sent