
Ive Also noticed that "They Shy Saint jimmy" has been ongoing for too long. there will be changes made to this book drastically. So Apologies!


The Book "Rebel Hearts & Anxious Souls." carried on with the story drafts. I went to far. Its not fair what happened. I gripped myself into tears. Ashlyn is fighting her Anxiety but I'm scared this might go into a downward spiral


Hey guys. Hope you are well. I know i haven't posted anything in 2 days. Its weekend and im taking a break while spending time with my sister. Hoping on Monday i will release the next chapter. Ive written the story 3-4 chapters ahead but im curious if you guys want to add any ideas that i might add extra during my chapters next or Should i continue with how i do the book? Theres more Demons coming, i can guarantee that. 
          Let me know ✌