I'm Hannah - obviously. If you've fanned me, I'd like to think you've read my profile, or at least the bit which tells you my name.
Which leads me to the following:
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR FANNING, VOTING AND COMMENTING!! You seriously made my day. If I was a squealer, I would probably have deafened everyone in my household. As it is, I just ran around my house (in heels, I may add), absolutely speechless, kind of waving my arms like I was trying to either fly or ref a soccer game, with a huge grin on my face. That is a good achievement, my friend. So, thanks for that.
Also - I read your writing, and goodness gracious me. It is so good!! I finished the chapter, went to click the 'next chapter' button, and was like "What? Where's the rest? Ngeh!" ("ngeh" is a term which here means something along the lines of "Curse you, story, for not being longer. I am somewhat frustrated by this but look forward to reading more.") It's very, very good. I'm intrigued by the characters and the story you've started. You've formed a good, solid base - a clear setting, characters which have potential to be developed well, etc. - and I really enjoy your writing style.
Thanks again for fanning etc, and I look forward to reading more of your writing!
PS ~ sorry, I'm picky about this stuff - you've left an 'e' off shakespearE. But kudos to you for liking the Bard. So many people don't - I don't get it. Then again, I am a drama geek, so...