And oh, thank you all so much for 3 k reads and 300 votes wow wow wow wow Wow WOW WOW oh my god I cannot believe this you’re all so amazing ah
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And oh, thank you all so much for 3 k reads and 300 votes wow wow wow wow Wow WOW WOW oh my god I cannot believe this you’re all so amazing ah
And oh, thank you all so much for 3 k reads and 300 votes wow wow wow wow Wow WOW WOW oh my god I cannot believe this you’re all so amazing ah
Hi babes Okay so I’m not dead and I published a chapter Wow wow everyone’s clapping for Sandra No but now seriously, I am so sorry for not being here for more than two months (I actually don’t know what the date is, I lost track of time darlings) and the reason is simply just school and drumming, I put so much time into it and god knows if it will pay off because my grades are still very low but that’s on another talk I don’t actually know who I’m writing this for because I feel like I’m a dead account rn but for you who still read my things and read this, thank you a heck lot for staying with me and reading, it means so much to me I hope you’re all feeling good and enjoying the night, I love you all honestly P.S.: I want to apologize to all of you here whom I haven’t replied to in a long time, you know who you are, I’m honestly so sorry and I’m trying to find time to reply, but just know even though it seems like I ghosted you, I still think about you and I’m trying to reply, I love you and I’m sorry again
@rka566 omg hello bae. Look, its totally fine. I get it, school is really stressing me out too, so understand. Take all the time you need, I loved the chapter. Sending love<3
OMG BABES I PUBLISH A CHAPTER AFTER 39383932 YEARS HAHA I am so sorry but I hope you’ll enjoy <3
Hi my darlings, So I’m going away again, to Slovakia this time and even though it’s pretty late I wanted to give you a chapter. I hope I will have more time for writing in there but I can’t promise you anything. For now you have this short chapter from me and I hope you are all enjoying your time off and vacations. I love you all and have a great day <3
BEKSBDSKSN WHAT I have 2k on Imaginary Highways? What the- Okay I should stop being so dramatic but it is a huge deal for me, I love you all so much I really do I just can’t thank each of you enough And I have one round of thanking to be done, thank you so much on the support that you gave me on yesterday’s chapter, it means a heck lot I’m telling you I will see when I can publish the next chapter, I am very grateful for each of you really, thank you again and have a great summer everyone <3
@MattHeldersTheThird thank you so much babe, you are awesome for supporting me always, just know I really really appreciate it <3
I AM BACK BABES! Omg yes! And I FUCKING SAW A DOUBLE GANGER OF DAMIANO DAVID I cannot stop thinking about that guy I mean he looked exactly like him wtf I am so amazed by that. I won’t be lying if I said I almost jumped at that guy. But anyways, the vacation was great and I had a lot of time to think about my story and how I want it to go so it’s perfect because I have all of it in my head and all that it’s left is writing it so you will have to wait another minute but bare with me. As Italians would say, uno momento per favora (just kidding, I actually can’t say anything in Italian so if I made someone mad by this I am very sorry)
So, today I got slut shamed when I was wearing sweat pants and baggy t-shirt, like it usually doesn’t surprise me but I was with my dad and I started yelling at the guy. The part I’m surprised by is that I can wear literal shit and someone would still tell me that I look like a whore and that they wanna have sex with me. And I’m not even that hot so if you are (and I’m sure all of you here are) I’m sorry that men are fucking useless trash. But the thing I wanted to say was that I am going to post very very long chapter later today because I’m going to Italy on a vacation so I won’t be here for a week. This is like my compensation for that and I hope you’ll all enjoy it because I love you all. Have a great summer sweethearts and I hope you’ll have a wonderful day <3
@ErbodyMakesMistakes but like you’ve got a point, holding a water bottle is a trigger to them somehow, I don’t fucking know why. Yes dw about me darling I’m great, I was just surprised that someone would say this shit to me while tall older man is next to me. Thank you so much for your wishes♥️
@MattHeldersTheThird what the actual fuck is wrong with men though? Darling, you don’t deserve that shit at all, I am so sorry that this keeps happening to you. Shame I’m not there with you, they would’ve said one bad word and I would’ve beat the shit out of them just saying, and I couldn’t give less shit about how tall or big they are. These courses of self defense would come in handy plus the box courses plus the fact I nearly choked a boy who said a bad word to my bestie once. But thank you so much again, you are an actual goddess and kind and I love you♥️
I really disgusting by that behavior. As the first thing he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place, secondly you were with your god damn dad. I seriously don’t know who keeps raising their children to be like that. You disrespect other people and don’t bring anything other then hate. I was at work today and got slut shamed 3 times. And the worst part is that, it has becomed a routine. Like every single time I got to work, I get slut shamed and I’m legit wearing things were you can’t see my body in any shape of perform. Like I’m legit covered from top to toe and in baggy clothes. I remember I even asked for bigger clothes to make the creepy men go away, didn’t help. Enough about that. I am exited for the new chapter as always because your writing is amazing and I love every single chapter you post. I hope you have a great trip to Italy and enjoy yourself. Please take the time to relax completely. Love you❤️
I kept my promise and finally published a new chapter my beautiful darlings! I hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday<3
Hello my loves, I know I haven’t been here for like a week and I’m so sorry about that but I didn’t know it would be such a roller coaster. It just has been school, training, doing school, helping friends with school and sleep on repeat. I have a couple of chapters in my scraps but I’m not fully satisfied. I keep on going back and trying to figure out what’s wrong but I never fully figure out what it is. I keep on perfecting them but they just don’t come out how I want them to. I will try to publish a chapter tomorrow cause I almost have it perfected to my taste level but I can’t promise you anything yet. I’m apologizing to all of you for this, I know I keep on saying sorry on this platform so I am sorry for that too (apologizes for apologizing, nice) If you’ve read it this far I probably have an unconditional love for you somewhere in my heart. I love you all, have a great weekend cause you don’t deserve anything less, eat and drink water babes, I will hopefully see you tomorrow <3
@MattHeldersTheThird you already are supporting me! Ah I wish I could return it somehow. I’m really glad I have you, thank you so much and I love you too♥️
@shqvambacu ow I- darling I don’t have words, I really appreciate all of your support, it means a lot I hope you know that♥️ I love you too♥️
Hello darlings! So I will have a new chapter up today and it’s full of smut for you horny ones so enjoy hahaha <3 thank you so much for your support and for being here for me even though you didn’t have to <3 How was the week for all of you? I’m curious XX
@rka566 I fucking loved the chapter, but I mean I fucking love every chapter you post so that is nothing new. I am praying for good grades for you and I believe you will do your best. But honestly thank you so much. Love you
@MattHeldersTheThird oh I hope you liked it <3 AHHH that’s so great that your exams are over! I’m really excited for you even though it isn’t happening to me because mine are just this week, but that sun sucks tho I’m sorry, yeah I’m great thank you for asking babe, your chapter has lifted my spirits honestly <3
I can’t fucking wait. It has been building up for so long, god I’m excited. Anyways I just finished all my exams which is great so a lot of pressure has been lifted off my shoulder and other then that just getting sunburned from being out in the sun, not so fun but I’ll survive. How about you love?
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