
I've got to get my Microsoft account back up and going so I can get myself back into some writing. Hopefully that'll happen soon. I've been working a lot lately, but I havent been too far from here. Just gotta get that writing mojo back. Love all. 


I've got to get my Microsoft account back up and going so I can get myself back into some writing. Hopefully that'll happen soon. I've been working a lot lately, but I havent been too far from here. Just gotta get that writing mojo back. Love all. 


Hey all, yeah I know it's been awhile but just wanted to mention to the younger people on here to beware for scammer people on here who send you private messages. Wanting to talk to you offline so y'all can get to know each other better, and always calling you dear.... No good will come out of staying in contact with them...so just report them and block. 


Hey loves, golly I know it has been a long while since I have posted anything on here, but I've actually decided to add onto the Episodes of the Strange book. So I will be re-adding chapters for you all to read and enjoy. I will do my best to edit before posting but I got to thinking that since the publishing company does not have this book yet, I'm going to post here anyway. I have also been thinking that the book will be better if it is longer with more stories, and a new cover. So we'll see how that all goes. Until then loves.


Hey loves, just wanted to stop by to say hey. Also thank you for the ones who have read my books and who maybe reading the sample chapters. When I get something else written, I'll probably be posting it here for a while until it gets published.  Stay tuned for that.  In the mean time....
           Happy Reading
          R.M. Forrest


Hey loves,
          Just wanted to drop by to say that with all of the wonderful inspiring authors on here, tis the season for scammers. Please be aware of private messages and such from people you don't know. All maybe innocent but maybe not.  If it seems weird then it probably is.
          Much love and Happy Reading,
          RM Forrest


Thank you all for taking the time to read my books. As of now they are sample chapters for as of tomorrow they will be in the hands of a Publishing House. More info later as I find out more myself as to where the full revised book can be purchased. Love to all.
          Happy Reading
          RM Forrest


Well, it is official loves. Tomorrow will start the remaking of my books with a Publishing House and I will only have some sample chapters of each book from here on out. I'm excited about this new adventure and hope that my books do well. I do appreciate so much to all of you that have read my books and I do hope that you have enjoyed them. These remakes will be in hardcover and I'm definitely excited to see how those turn out. Stay tuned I'm not leaving forever, and I will continue to read y'alls books as well. 
          Happy Reading
          RM Forrest


Hey loves, sorry its been a long while since I have posted anything but the time has come. I have signed on with a Publishing House so I will proceed with posting only sample chapters on here and Inkitt. Thank you to all who have read or are currently reading my stories. In the case that someone is still reading, the sample chapters will be in affect this Sunday evening. I'll only leaving the first story of Episodes of the Strange up. Thank you again and much love to you all
          RM Forrest


@rmforrest When the books are redone, they'll be selling as hard covers not paper backs as well as having new covers except for The Craziness Within-Return to Bear Lake,  that cover will stay the same. 


@mordechaisslut Aww, you still have time :0) It's not going anywhere yet.  Thank you for your interest indeed. It is awesomely appreciated.


@rmforrest I need to get that book, I forgot it. I was gonna read it lol 