Robert James Blog - May 2020
20:00 on a Thursday evening, neighbours stood clapping their hands together enthusiastically, fervently, feet planted resolutely upon their front door steps, a uniform show of solidarity, a focused attempt to project an utmost respect for the UK’s national health service and the people within an institution that are willing to go into work day and night to confront the virus taking near on a thousand lives each day in England yet behind the arms thrust forwards, hands clapping vigorously?
Each person present on the street, every household represented, lips pressed together into a smile that few truly feel, everyone’s eyes scanning, flicking over each face present, an errant cough from one sucks in attention and even though we are separated by many metres from one another a cough or sneeze can have the impact of a grenade going off, others recoiling and the look of shock, horror, very real concern exhibited scours the mask of neighbourly camaraderie from features barely covering the very real fear that all present share, inhabit.
Whilst we all do clap with true admiration for the respect we feel for the women and men of the NHS, the very real danger that they expose themselves to on a daily basis to care for those who are hurt, injured, or seriously unwell in addition to those infected with the COVID-19 virus; it is that fear we feel for what could inhabit those amongst us, our fellow neighbours who may have, may be carrying the coronavirus that brings an evident sense of relief when people at the end of the two minutes of respectful clapping quickly turn on their heels to return to the relative safety of their homes, front doors firmly closed.
As we all follow the rules, the expectations of lockdown and for very good reason, so I find myself increasingly thinking back and reflecting on ‘The Truman Show’, a Science-Fiction movie starring Jim Carrey as an insurance salesman...
***Continued on my website***