
hi whores I'm back from the dead, maybe imma finish chapter 15 today (it's been long due)


Can’t wait to see it!


this might sound weird and I already ranted about it on twt but I had a dream (nightmare almost) that barney run over my dog in an ugly lemon green pickup truck (no offence to people who have those, only love in this household <3) and he just hit her, then drove over her body while he turned up the radio, which was playing the barney and friends theme song. It felt so real. barneys ugly little beady eyes were looking at me as if I was a balloon, and he was the killer clown wanting to pop it. And all while this played out in front of me, his furry little suit?? skin?? got all moody. as if he was a creepy little science experiment and I was just watching the images played out before me in time-lapse. then I had a dream about my little ponies but I won't get into that disaster otherwise I won't be able to keep it within the word limit,, also yes I'm sharing this with everyone cause y'all need to suffer with me. I am evil I know.
          bye bye,


@the-red-jester yes. it's best if u don't ask. just- yes.


@robynnhoodx Robynn, what on earth??


not we getting covid :( I'm in quarantine rn. essentially I was preparing for an upcoming test week, but I'm literally not able to go so yeahhh I guess thanks universe for looking out for me HA, but yeah now I got a fever but I'll try to write some stuff tomorrow and plan some stories out, I have a few things scribbled down in my note book so maybe I'll use those for new book ideas? who knows at this point. also not @ me relapsing again,, I thought like haha maybe no depressi but here we are again, definitely a messy depressi (I should not be allowed with a laptop I write down these horrible jokes please sOMEONE TAKE THIS THING AWAY FROM MEe


alrighty I just posted chapter 10 (its a short chapter) and have planned out the next few chapters, and will be writing those soon! it's all on the way I promise. Again, I'm so so so sorry for letting people wait this long. Robynn have a proper writing schedule challenge go!