Hey guys!! So, I figured to help y'all decide on what book I'll be writing next, I'd give you the title's and the girl's name in them!! 1. Darry-In Your Arms (Carol McKay) (Some of y'all may remember I started this one but never finished it) 2. Two-Minnie's Mickey (Alice Cade) 3. Dal-Him and I (Virginia Tucker) 4. Steve-The One That Got Away (Linda Brown) 5. Pony-Love In the Library (Liberty Taylor 6. Johnny- Fire and Ice (Evelyn Miller) Hope this helps y'all!! Lmk what you thinks sounds the best!!

@MACLOVESTHEOUTSIDERS Awww, tysmmm. I was thinking of doing Fire and Ice since I feel like Johnny was a bit neglected in this book.

Hi yall! So guess what happened... Wattpad locked me out of my account So that was funnnn. I'll be transferring everything that's on this account to the one I'm posting this from. I'll also be adding the next part sometime this week.

@rocketpandagurly123 Darry-In Your arms, or Johnny- Fire and Ice. Love your work!