Leaving wattpad.

@rocknrolluplifting sorry to hear that, good luck with your future endeavours though :)
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Leaving wattpad.
@rocknrolluplifting sorry to hear that, good luck with your future endeavours though :)
Leaving wattpad.
@rocknrolluplifting sorry to hear that, good luck with your future endeavours though :)
Hey guys I created a second account on here related to all things horror. That’s the only thing that will be on it. I will really appreciate it if you would go follow it it would mean the world to me! And if you like horror stuff you will definitely like for what I have planned for my account. Thank you!!! It’s @youllfloatto
Ireland here we come!!!
I am currently stuck in Michigan with no flight to Europe and have no clue where my luggage is. Today has been great
@HannahTheHorrible420 makes a lot of sense, I don’t think one person was nice to me. Not to mention me basically getting felt up in front of 500 people.
@HannahTheHorrible420 tbh I’m done with Detroit, they’re so frickin rude some lady had to search my chest area because they thought I had explosives
Okay where do I even start. I’ve not been on this account in so long and I feel really bad about it. I’ve just not been into Wattpad as much as I used to be, and I’m sorry for all the amazing friends I’ve made on here and not being active. I have kinda had a lot on my plate recently, I have this big trip coming up and I’ve gotta get ready for that. Im leaving for Europe on May 30th, so the preparations for that have been crazy. I also got in a relationship and I have to make time for all that as well. Not only that, I also have to keep on top of my school work because school is ending next week and I have a ton of tests I have to take and do well on. I’m sure a lot of you have to do that to. Soo there’s been a lot going on in my life recently and I haven’t been active on any of my social media hardly at all. But I’m gonna try to be active again. Once again, I apologize and I’m looking forward to becoming active on this account again. I also like meeting new friends so if anyone would like to chat and become friends I’m all for that! Once I leave on my trip I probably won’t be active because my service won’t work over in Europe. I will also be flying out to Michigan and New York as well which will be cool, as I’ve never got to visit those states before. But anyway, thanks for taking your time to listen to me and I apologize. Have a great day! ~Rain
So my cat, (his name is Izzy, named after you obviously know who) went crazy when I started playing Guns N’ Roses. I was freaking out I was like ITS A SIGN.
I just watched the dirt, and... HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVED IT It was A M A Z I N G The one year wait was definitely worth it!!!!! And yeah I watched it with my mom and we were both going crazy and omg it was everything.
I’m deleting all books besides my gnr short stories, I wanted to delete everything bc I don’t really have the motivation to write anymore. But y’all actually seemed to like those so I’m keeping them.
@rocknrolluplifting no don't leave. I've been on Wattpad close to two years. I just like my story Street of Dreams which I'm still in the process of writing. I just listened to the same song title by Guns N Roses and started writing. I'm not even finish writing it yet. Now I'm going back and rewriting parts of it. If you ever get stuck and need someone to talk to for ideas you can send me a private message. I will respond as soon as I get a notification on my phone.
I apologize for not being active that much, I’ve been pretty busy. Sorry about that:(
I honestly feel like I need to talk about this. I’ve said it many times, but the more I’ve thought about it, when we say we wish we were born in a different era (60s, 70s, 80s, Middle Ages whatever) do we really though? When I’ve said it it’s mainly been because of music and celebrities is why I wish I was born in the 80s, but now, in the 2000s, we have more convenient ways to listen to old music. And most of the celebrities are still alive. But, when I think about why the hell would I want to live in a different era? We have a lot more accepting society (In some ways). Like different sexualities other than straight are being widely accepted. Back then it was frowned upon. Gay marriage is now legal in every state in the US. (Idk about other countries) Students are now getting an education better than ever. And of course it sucks for us students, because being a freshman in highschool I’m doing senior work from 1985. But it will help in the long run and we’ll be educated better than ever. Cars are safer than they’ve ever been. Transgenders and others in that area have been accepted more than ever. More plus size body types (even though what we consider plus size is like a size 10 but still) have made it into the modeling industry. People have more rights then ever before. And technology, if we’re alive back then, we wouldn’t have phones, Netflix, WiFi, or anything like that. And you would be lying if you said you didn’t spend at least 50% of your day on some kind of device. We also have delivery services, more job opportunities, and hospitals have more cures to certain diseases. And even though there are a lot of bad things, such as a higher crime rate, more school shootings, and lots of theories about the government spying on us through our phones and a lot more, I wouldn’t give up the 2000s for anything. I don’t expect a lot of people to agree with me, but this is my opinion. So all I ask is that you just respect it. Thank you.
I agree thoroughly. It was mostly due to the pop culture that I wished I was born in a different time. But, aside from all the cruddy stuff going on today, we’ve got it pretty damn good. Devices have helped me bond with cool people that share my interests on Wattpad and other outlets, when there was a lack of them in real life, and I’m eternally thankful for that. And, quite honestly, I also feel like I wouldn’t know half of the bands I listen to today if I hadn’t found them on Spotify. The way I see it, the classic rock fandom wasn’t born in the wrong generation, but rather in this one to keep the music thriving. So yea, I wouldn’t give up the 2000s for nothing either :3
@rocknrolluplifting aside from the gay and trans stuff, I agree with you we need to stop wishing for something we can't have and realize that we're living in a better time
@rocknrolluplifting this is really well written and I agree! Would love to have loved in these eras for the music but in general societal terms it’s much better now.
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