
Chapter 3 of "We've Got Some Issues" currently has 888 words. Idk if that means anything but i thought it was kinda funny..


@rockywolfrose idk why but I found it funny as well


Do you ever reread your old books and get a random feeling of nostalgia. It wasn't even that long ago, just a year or two ago....
          But dang..
          I reread the bendy and ever after high ones...
          And that kinda hurt.. 
          Even the one I'm actually working on..
          Its from I think April or something..
          I guess 2020 has been so crazy that early quarantine is apparently nostalgia for me ._.


            Also don't expect any updates on my older books anytime soon.. 
            I may update one day so I won't say discontinued 
            I'm also thinking of deleting a few chapters from "the broken can heal" and redoing the aftermath of what happened with cupid but make it a bit darker and take a different take on it if that makes sense
            I was rereading it and raven was acting kinda suspicious through out the book so I was thinking of changing it from a romance to more of a...I'm not sure yet 
            So thats undecided still 
            But a possibility 
            Also did anyone realize how kinda toxic some of those relationships in those books were? It kinda worried me tbh 
            7th/8th grade me 
            Writing about some really messed up relationships thinking 
            "Oh this is fine" 
            The bendy was supposed to be toxic though I think but i dont fully remember 
            The way raven acted in the broken can heal boom was kinda giving me some weird vibes though 
            It was kinda like she was hiding something
            I have some severe questions for my younger self right now..


Hey girl I posted a ever after High book if you wanna check that out and live your story's girl keep it up!!