
GUYS I HAVE THIS AWESOME IDEA FOR A BOOK. Like it's going to be a little sad and, I'm thinking about not posting it until it's done. What do you guys think?


Guys, not sure if I'm going to be able to continue the PolyGrumps x Reader because the collaborater ( @SirJackson ) hasn't replied. I'm sorry but if it does continue then I'll be sure to inform you all. I'm also sorry that I haven't updated "Gang Love" mostly because some of my friends have been hanging out with me and we've been being stupid but I'm going to post the new chapter tonight! Be ready!!


Hi guys! I hope you all are enjoying the books so far. Again, I'm sorry if you were reading some of the ones I published then put into drafts, I'll be sure to work on those as soon as I can. If any of you have any good ideas for a chapter or something please, message me!