
For anyone who cares, I updated Hey Jude yesterday!


Hey honey it’s author Victoria! How excited am I that you are following me. I can tell from your profile that you are a true queen fan. I would be so honored if you would give my story “first time: a Roger Taylor fanfiction“ a try. The thing you need to know about me is I love cherish and honor my readers they mean everything to me. I’ve been known to add chapters and change establish chapters to keep my readers happy. Just to let you know a little bit about me I’m an artist living in Santa Fe New Mexico. Last year I did a painting of Queen that  I gave to  Roger, Adam, and Brian! On July 19, 2019 I had the honor of presenting Brian May his copy personally! Best night of my life. You will see the story of it in my books. If you love Roger Taylor even half as much as I do you will love my books and I can tell from your profile that you adore him. Once again thank you so much for following me I’m so honored that you are XOXO Victoria


I actually suck at looking at my conversations, thank you for taking the time out of your day to write me this note! I am reading your stories right now and I enjoy every second of it. Thanks again!