
rare wattpad appearance from me! im emerging from my hole to say happy new year :)


*choir Avatar intro music* 
          Fish n’ chips… 
          Long ago, the fou’ nations lived togedah in ah’mony. Den, ev’ryfing changed when the IRA attacked…. Only the avatah, mastah of all fou’ elements could stop ’em, but when th’ Queen needed ‘im most, ‘e vanished. 100 yea’s passed and me bruv and I found the new Avatah. A fish n’ chips bendah named Aang. Although ‘is chipbendin’ skills ah great, ‘e still ‘as a lo’ to lea’n ‘fore ‘e’s ready to save anyone m8.
          But I believe tha’ Aang ken save tha’ world. 


@Chekhovs-Gun2001 this will be the best thing to come out of britain


right. well. goodbye wattpad. this account has been a huge flop and such a waste of time and i just never use it. ill be writing on my ao3, as always, but nothing will be published on here. there's just no point. i only kept this account to stay in touch with a couple of people but to be honest, they don't really need me anymore and have grown past me and made so many new friends. this account won't be deleted, but i'll probably not be logging into it anymore. so bye :) have a good day everyone


im so depressed i cant even function


I'm so sorry. I wish there were something I could do to help. If you ever need a friend, someone to talk with, someone to talk /to/, I'm almost always around if you need help. I hope you have a better day/night <3 


i know that no one will see any of this because no one ever looks at my profile so im just using it as a spot to vent


its so hard not to feel overwhelmingly down and hopeless when every day of your life is spent in pain, unable to do things normal people can, controlled by migraines that mean i miss out on everything and end up alone and hurting when i want to be doing things and living. summer will mark 2 years of daily chronic migraines and there is still no sight of any medicine helping or any doctor even having a clue why im getting them. im so tired. they make me angry and pissy all the time, or horribly upset to the point where i start crying over nothing. i dont feel like anyone who doesnt have a chronic illness can quite understand how awful they are. i just want them to end. i want there to be an end. i dont want this to be my life. if this is my life forever, i dont want a life. how can i be an author when some days im in too much pain to look at a laptop? all my plans are being ruined