
   /     I had the urge to make them sad
          "I know  ,  okay?!" he spat while running a hand harshly through his hair. "I didn't need to use that big of an explosion. there were unnecessary  ,  unnecessary casualties. but I — " he paused to take a breath. "it's been   /  so  /   long  ,  long  —  which is a terrible excuse but it's not like I was locked away by the cia for nothing!"


            / GNAWS .
            “ morality is a complex thing  ,  what we consider ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is an array or mixture of many other things .  regardless of what you may call it  ,  i put my trust in you .  ” and he meant those words , a gentle gloved hand making its away to lightly place itself on top the other’s shoulder .  “ that is because i have done the same as you .  my hands are nowhere as clean as you think they are  ,  i’ve worked in the germany military..  trained by the stasi..  my soul tainted by its depravity .  you and i are no different .  i’ve witnessed bloodshed countless times  ,  yet here i still remain .  ”


   /     KICKS YOU
            "but you accept that that's bad! you   /  try  /   to move on  ,  felix. but I  —  if it wasn't for you  ,  I can't say for sure that I would have changed my ways." it was addicting  ,  being able to ruin whatever  ,  prior to his days with the cia. "and most days I don't even see it as wrong  ...  how can you think no differently of me  ,  when you know I've killed  ,  when you just witnessed it  —  and you know I don't truly regret it?"


            / BITES YOU .
            “ and do you think for one moment that i haven’t suffered casualties of my own ?  days as a stasi enforcer were no better .  ” the blond’s features scrunched up at the memory , felix couldn’t help the permanent frown stretched across his lips .  “ everyone has their own faults  ,  enzo .  blatant mistakes made in the past and yet that is not one which defines who you are .  i think no differently of you .  ”


   /     I love bringing back enzos stutter when he's nervous 
          "is that my  ...  file? from the cia?" he questioned hesitantly. "why  ,  why are you reading that?"


            / he deserves so many hugs..
            “ i believe i’ve seen enough from what i’ve read alone .  ” he lightly shook his head , it’s not like felix was afraid of its contents— no .  he just didn’t see a point in doing it , there was no reason for it .  there mission was to stop the patheon , not find everything out about enzo .  “ i’m quite aware of what the cia and alongside many others are capable of .  ” there was that frown again , soon leading out with a sigh as blue eyes bore across the other’s features .  “ there’s more than enough for all of us .  at least for the time being  ,  we should be grateful that’s all we get most days .  ”


   /     he needs a self respecting healthy mindset.. and maybe a few hugs
            "I know you could  ,  and you can  ,  if you truly wish to." he mumbled while squeezing the hand given to him. "I warn you that none of it is pretty. it's quite gruesome  ,  actually. although it does get a bit boring at the end .. " even though they had used the worst methods  ,  enzos lack of reaction made the writing lackluster. at first it was tears  ,  then hysterics  ,  manic - ness  ,  and ended with numbness. "it seems the world is the same everywhere  ,  hm? at least here  ,  with all of you  ,  the worst situations are when someone steals another's food."


            / he’s such a silly , leave him be >:( 
            finding the original contents would be easy , felix had a way of easily accessing the databases which held such stuff .  well , not easily but he could still find out if he so pleases .  though.. he couldn’t so that to enzo .  “ who’s to say i couldn’t find the original version ?  though  ,  for your sake i will not do such .  ” he lightly shook his head , his hand soon grasping the other’s .  “ those in the criminal underground are no different  ,  i simply do as i must .  i cannot stand those who think themselves highly than others .  ”


          “ really ? that’s  .  .  . that’s /rather/ unexpected . most who’ve muttered my name are surely to be soiling it with senseless insults . ” a dark brow arched in confusion , he could hardly believe the other’s truth on such matters . let alone his name being spoken upon someone else’s tongue like that . “ i’m /no/ fool , geralt . of course i’ve been able to take notice — who wouldn’t have ? unlike /you/ i can’t just ‘go for it’ all breasts out ‘witcher style’ . ”


          “ oh , don’t give me that /tone/ ! mr. ‘i can smell everything’ . ” eyes rolled dramatically , lips pouting like some spoiled brat again . jaskier knew someone like the other could easily figure these things out , which made it even more difficult . unless ; they’d help out with his romances ? highly doubt . making them a bodyguard was one thing , but - there’s no way the other would easily agree . even when having ANY kind of payment involved .


          glaring was received in response to the huff , jaskier knew he’d been mocked . silently , but mocked . “ what in the blue balls hell am i supposed to say , geralt ? ‘hey - i know we fornication once and all , but i’d LOVE for us to finally be together’ — that’s just downright insulting . not so much embarrassing , but insulting . ” maybe the word ‘insulting’ wasn’t the chest choice , but jaskier hadn’t really another word for it — more like too many words to explain one measly feeling that’s been going on for a long while now .


          “ afraid you handle the story of my ‘intense love making’ ? ” he’d chuckle , giving a tad wink . jaskier knew the other wasn’t fond about hearing his affairs ; let alone in great detail as per usual . for this time , he’d spare them . maybe . “ unfortunately , i think i might’ve fallen for this one this time around . ”


          “ really ? not even an inch ? not an ‘inch’ of jealousy buried deep within somewhere in /you/ ? ” a brow was then raised playfully , lips curling up into smirks to go along with it . jaskier didn’t think the other would ever be interested in his affairs ; let alone now of all places , good to see there’s actual deep care inside those rusty - old bones . “ goodness , is this weary witcher so truly interested with my affairs ? how quaint — i’m sure it’s not difficult to figure out our ‘first encounter’ . ”


          “ friend ? oh , uh— guess you could say /that/ . it’s a bit more ‘complicated’ ? sorta ‘in the works’ maybe . ” answered the bard ; instantly clearing his throat , obvious nervousness rolling off it . jaskier hadn’t gotten a clue idea on current statuses with the person in question , and despite tad denial considering a certain someone’s a witcher . they possibly could see right through his ruses and lies . “ what’s the matter , geralt ? jealous that i’m making more new friends than you ? ”


          amazing , tremendous even . jaskier hadn’t ever expected on seeing these sights amongst the fact of some horse ; not just some horse , but a horse belonging to an infamous witcher . a witcher who surprisingly through the odds keeps him around , for the most part . that is . yes , there were other factors at play . and yet , both men continued to find each other throughout many odds being thrown at them . “ i’ll that as a ; “yes , jaskier . i will allow you to ride my precious horse roach again sometime . not a bad interpretation of you , is it ? i like to think that was /pretty/ spot on . ”