
We went from 10K reads to 11K overnight! Thank you guys so much 


          i thought you might like this story that i thought up although i cant write storys very well myself, so here it is.
          steve and bucky adopting peter (of course he still our loverable spisey) from a abusive orphanage at the age of 15, he has been the since he was really young (like 4-5 maybe) he protecta the other kids drom the beatings. however is terrafied of males due to the abuse from the headof the orphanage (male) but over time hes not scared of males.


So as you guys know I'm doing my junior cert rn which is a set of important exams in Ireland(the ones I was previously doing where my moks which is like a test run for the junior cert), 
          Therfore i dont have much time for my story so i tought  i would let you guys vote on what you want to see. do you guys want me to post another chapter or correct some spellings that have been pointed out to me in the existing chapters.
          Coment either "chapter" or "spelling" and we will have a vote
          Thank you to all of you for being so patient and suportive