
The Resistance has finally returned. It's not dead, nor over. it's just getting started!


Hey, Guess what.
          I'm not dead!!
          YAY! I'm back, baby!
          I have an announcement to make.
          First off,
          The Resistance - The prequel to Surviving the Hills is back, and, hopefully, better than ever. I've decided to continue writing this story after a very long time. The Resistance will return with another chapter by FRIDAY 04/10/2019.
          Thank You!
          Peace Out ✌️
          ~ Rikki Rollo


Hey, I just had an idea.
          The idea is that I'll make a list of story genres and topics. Comment your favourite topic and genre and I'll see if I can make a story with the topic and genre. 
          Here is the list
          1: Sonic the Hedgehog (franchise)
          2: Post Apocalyptic
          3: A different game (E.g. Star Fox, Crash Bandicoot, The Walking Dead).
          4: Other (Comment what you want)
          1: More horror
          2: Fantasy
          3: Crime
          4: Detroit: Become Human style
          5: Live story
          6: Other (Comment what you want)
          I hope this works because I'm running out of ideas for new stories.
          Anyway, good day. ✌️


Just finished STH S2. That took way too long for me. I had "some" distractions but it's finally out of the way now. Now to continue on another story but that's for another day. Peace out Fellow Writers. ✌️ 


I'm sorry if I'm not usually making new chapters for Surviving the Hills. I just have a lot of stuff on my mind and I can think if I should add them in the story or leave it until later. So yeah, don't worry, there's still more to come.