
I would love to know your opinions on first chapter 


Hello everyone! thanks for supporting Illegal! the story has no more than 5 chapters left but right after I come back stronger for its sequel I have learnt more to be able to give you a great story to read and enjoy the time you spent on it hope you enjoyed and will enjoy the other soon there will be a video made for the story uploaded


And another thing I should say is I know the story is stuck in one situation and it's boring and I'm so so sorry for it but someone is making a pretty trailer for it and I want it to be finished before the story hopefully soon it will be finished and also the story so we can go for the second story which is related to Illegal 


Hey guys! I reached wttpad's max with 200 chapters so the few chapters that are left from the story will be posted as "Illegal 2" I hope you all are having a good day and stay safe! Hope you are enjoying the story so from tonight or tomorrow chapters will be there!